Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Facebook? Myspace? Facepic? Apa kes...?

Kawan Uni aku jauh-jauh emel aku (dia nak call, aku kata tak yah la, jauh!). Dia kata ada situasi dia nak cerita dan mintak pendapat. Aku ni bila orang nak luahkan masalah aku dengar aje lah. In terms of kalau nak mintak pendapat aku pasal masalah 'relationship' ke, itu bukan bidang aku. Aku boleh dengar aje la kan. Setakat tu je aku mampu. Yang lain, aku tak leh la. Sebab porak peranda hidup orang sbb kita punya nasihat pulak, apa kes kan? Lagipun mana la aku ada pengalaman relationship semua ni.

Kisah nya A (kawan aku), dah berkawan/bercinta (whatever you want to call it lah) dengan B ni dah 3 tahun dah. Dah lama dah si A ni tau yang si B ni beraktifan dalam social networking ni (for the past one year). Ada Facebook la, My Space la etc. Lepas tu status dalam tu dia letak single, sedangkan he is in relationship dengan A. B ni ingat, si A ni tak "sayang IT" la kan, so dia ingat A tak tau. Yang si A pulak, nak tengok kan sejauh mana si B boleh pergi.

+ Apa kata kita tengok gambar selingan dulu - gambar belakang rumah aku. Hahaha. Sorry tak de gambar hiasan yang lebih menyegarkan minda OK!

So persoalannya sekarang, "Perlu ke si B berdolak dalik?" Si A kata, bila dia bangkitkan perkara tu, si B memula terperanjat, sbb ingatkan A tak tau, taktik2 dia. So, bila A tanya kenapa, B kata la, "nak cari kawan" "kawan-kawan I yang kenal tu minat perkara yang sama" "ala bukan ada apa pun, some pages aje". Semua jawapan standard la A kata, yang mana ia did nothing but to portray how stooooopid B was at that time. I agree with A. A kata kat aku, kalau setakat Facebook, My Space tu ada ampun lagi, tapi ada 'personal' website pulak :) So apa motif tu kan? Lepas tu bila kena confront, dia kata - "Dah lama dah tak bukak website tu!" Tapi si A buat snapshot website utk aku, and it says "The last visit by XXXXXXX was 24 hours ago". Dan A tanya, "Why on earth you have that personal ad in the first place?" Entah la A, kalau kau ada masa kau pergi tanya Wikipedia ke, atau www.answer.com ke, Yahoo Answer ke!!! Den tak tau dohhh!!!

Si A ni is very self-aware and bukan nak control si B (benar aku cakap, si A ni, kalau dia nak, sapa pun dia boleh jadikan pasangan dia... I swear to God! Rupa paras memang tak disangkal, family jenis baik2, org berada, ilmu tinggi, kerja bagus etc... Si B ni memang tak sedar dek untung!). About this B, aku tak berapa kenal sgt, tapi dari description A aku nampak B ni punya belang tersendiri. Daripada aku nampak la, dan apa si A bagi tau. Ala, tau aje la, when we have something kan (ye lah dah 3 thn in r'ship), grass is always greener on the other side. Bak peribahasa orang Cina, babi panggang di Kedai belah sana lagi best dari belah sini - sedangkan the 2 shops owned by the same person! Kau jawap la kan!

So, aku cakap kat A. You don't have to do anything. The one that yang buat salah adalah si B. Dia yang kena betulkan diri dia - shape up or ship out! Hah tu dia konsep dia sekarang. Aku kesian kan A. A ni bijak orangnya, dah lak tu, ada rupa etc. And self sufficient pulak tu. Malas la aku nak cerita pasal tu kan. Aku rasa, kalau B ni is real man with balls kan [eh kau jgn tak tau, ada real man with no balls, ada jgn tak tau pulak - contohnya si B, kakaka], sbb aku kesian kan si A, be a man - own up to it - and state that kau dah bosan to be in the relationship and end it nicely. Aku rasa A boleh terima. Sebab bagi aku orang macam ni parasit aje dalam hidup. Cari alasan, tailor-made untuk diri sendiri. Tapi bila dah berlaku apa-apa nanti, pandai pulak nak balik, nak merayu-rayu nak balik. Ingat muka tempe kau tu laku ke? Eh orang dah kecoh pasal environment dan economy la, tak de masa nak layan kerenah useless kau tu! Eh aku pulak yang emosi kat sini!

Aku cakap kat si A - kau stay the way you are! You are not at fault. Let it be for now, si B ni ingat dunia ni besar sangat. Pi mai pi mai tang tu gak kan! So when it is too late, masa tu la baru tau langit ni tinggi rendah. Tu la, aku selalu ingatkan diri aku - appreciate what you have and you will not be able to when they are no longer with you! Masa tu, kau sayonara kan aje dia. Yg at loss dia, bukan kau! In the meantime, kalau B tipu kau, itu antara dia gn Tuhan (sbb kau tak tau), jadi balasan Tuhan dia terima aje - kalau Tuhan nak turunkan balasan tak semestinya directly to him, perhaps to something or someone that matters to him! Tunggu dan lihat aje lah!

+ Ingat!!!

P/S. Dah 6.00PM ni. Sehari suntuk aku locked up myself indoor. OK la aku nak solat Asar dan lepas tu nak walk to Tesco - my activity for the day. Milk dah tak ada, nak beli sayur sikit sbb nak goreng nasi malam ni. Badan aku sakit-sakit lagi dari squash semalam. Hari ni aku layan DVD/film by Jonah Markowitz. Letih betul. Malam tadi aku balik kol 2.00AM. Lama tak keluar hujung minggu. Haiya, manyak sungguh drama malam tadi. 13 episodes pun tak abis!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Squash Tournament, West Wood Club, Dublin

I have been talking about the squash tournament for weeks now. It took place today at West Wood Club, Dublin. Barry, Xavier and I were fashionably late (it was supposed to start at 10.30 am, and we arrived at 11.15 am!). We were lost. We had to stop at SPAR to ask for direction. Frank (the organizer) was not pleased. I guess us being late was a punishment to Frank who always purposely separate the three of us in different groups when it comes to tournament. Barry said last night "Frank is so like school teacher who likes to separate close friends when it comes to school activities." So true!

In short - three words - I did well! I think the competition was bizarre in terms of handicap. I got -2 (like previous competition in Nov 08), but Barry (+1), and Xavier (+4). The more minus you are with your handicap, the better you are. But giving Xavier +4 is not right, since between the three of us - we are not that much different in terms of levels and skills. So I think it was bizarre to me.

I won my group. The games were all rather "easy" for me with my -2 handicap. That took me to semi finals - which I beat Donogh. And then I went to the final to meet Ronan. I lost to him (2-0). So I lost in the finals. Hence the medallion that you see above. What a sweet day. And tonight there is a dinner for all the players (about 25 of us). I will not join them for dinner, perhaps I will just join them for the post-dinner get-together.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Kad Ucapan & Juadah Dinner

Pagi tadi, masa aku nak keluar flat nak ke tempat kerja aku terima kad ucapan dari Brussels. Kad ucapan hitam hitam si tampok manggis ni berjaya mengimbau percutian ke Cliff of Moher baru-baru ini bersama dengan Luke dan Ramz - daripada isu "resipi karipap daging tapi bila dah goreng bau ikan sardin", kepada pencemaran udara kronik yg mencapai 13.87 pada skala Richter di Dublin ni, kuah laksa yang kalau makan boleh keluar api, pencarian castle yang berangan lebih di mana punya la jauh, tapi tak masuk sebab anti kepada makcik yang nak caj bukan-bukan! Walaupun ada bunny dalam castle tu, tak apa la. Kami cari bunny lain nanti. Setakat bunny bodoh nak caj sampai 30euro tak de maknanya! (Sakit hati ni, dah pulak jauh... dan kena suruh parking jauh dari castle... hehehe, sampai la ni sakit hati)

Satu lagi, paling best masa kasi art direction utk Ramz ambik gambar, dia is so obliging - kalau aku suruh nyurok menyelit dalam batu tu pun aku rasa dia akan buat...! Art direction aku memang berkesan! Tak payah SLR, tapi terus keluar wajah kurang sikit dari Nasha Aziz! So kalau tak ada art direction dari aku, setakat kualiti Nadia Mustafa ajo! Haha. Yg best pasal Ramz ni, walaupun Cliff tu tinggi gila, sayup mata memandang dan dah ramai yang mati dan bunuh diri kat situ, tapi kalau aku kasi art direction dia ikut.

Luke & Ramz, thanks for coming.


Anyway, malam ni I was supposed to host a friend for dinner, Paul. Dia baru balik bercuti dari Croatia. Tapi last minute dia tak jadi datang. Lagi bagus sebenarnya sebab many times I told him that aku nak rehat dan have early night malam ni, sebab esok ada squash tourney. Last2 dia tak jadi - bagus gak. Yg Luke pulak ke The Hague dengan Lah dan Zul, sure nice weekend kat sana - places I have been to? Haha

+ Ni dia dinner aku, makan dengan nasi putih la spt biasa. Ala simple aje - ayam dipotong cube kecik-kecik, dengan cili giling, garlic, onions and sikit tumeric, dan last sekali masukkan colorful bell peppers & carrots (I like my veges to be crunchy and crispy, so masukkan last sekali OK). Letak garam dan lada sulah sikit, sesedap rasa. The best part - it took me less than 5 mins to cook this sumptuous dish!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Food for thought - packed lunch

It is more like - food to be brought to the office. Yes you heard me right. I will bring to the office tomorrow, my first time ever - a packed lunch. I already promised Michelle, my colleague that we will go to the pier to eat lunch tomorrow and, we will bring our own packed lunch.

+ I think I should reheat this at the pantry by 12.30 tomorrow and head off to the pier, yippie!

So I will bring tomorrow, as depicted in the picture above - mee goreng and fried egg. I can't wait. I guess we are killing 2 birds with one stone - we'll bring the food to the pier and do our afternoon walk at the same time. I guess when we are done with the food, only then we go for our walk.

+At first, I was lazy to fry the egg... it looks a bit 'naked' without fried egg.

Normally, for lunch we will go for soup at Insomnia, and after the soup (and talk a little bit about work and office), we will safely have about 20 mins to walk. That is not bad. I do not know what's the deal with all these exercises that I am doing, when my love towards food is unbearable as of late. But still some people say, I am on the "thin" side. I think I do my exercises (tennis, walk, squash etc.), at the same time I stuff my face senselessly!

Yeah that is right. I remember, last night after my tennis with Aileen, I had 4 pieces of roti canai and dhal. I was starving. I am rather grateful that the weather is getting better for sports, otherwise I will hibernate cultivating the fat that I have taken together with the ghee, oil, carbs... Thank god for the unforced love towards sports that I have.

There you go - I will do just that tomorrow. Confronting my love affair with food, by bringing my first ever packed lunch to the office and to have it by the sea! Perfect! I can't wait. And, at 6.00PM I have tennis with Aileen. Even more perfect. Something to look forward too.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Breezy beautiful spring is here

Today is Sunday. And I get up late. It is not so late. 8.00am I guess. I manage to finish a DVD by Wong Kar Wai. It is really good movie. I intentionally am not sharing the title of the film over here. I want to keep the suspense (as if anyone cares, haha). And then, I clean up the place while listening to best of Andrea Bocelli.

By about 4.00pm, I decide to leave the house. Simply to get some fresh air. I go to the mall where I want to check out the Nikon DSLR D90 Kit camera. Wow, it would cost me around Eur1,000 to own one (Dzan, for now I will give it a pass. I will once I have a fat pay-check! But I still love taking photos!). On top of that I want one with a class to go with it. Like Dzan says, I just have that pair of eyes that will land on nice setting worth photographing. All I need is a spanking brand new advanced camera. Which, of course comes with price tag that I can't afford for now. Haha.

+ I buy the bag too, for only Eur1.75c. Not bad, ay?

+ The books that leave the bookstore with me

I hit Hughes Book-store (Luke: When I see a bookshop, I JUST HAVE TO stop. I will at least need to buy ONE book [Sorry, private joke]). Haha. Well, I buy two books. One by Aravind Adiga entitled The White Tiger and the other one, Junot Diaz's The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, which have Man Booker Prize 2008 and Pulitzer Prize respectively.

+ Isn't that nice? Pt1

+ Isn't that nice? Pt2

I pace my steps to the pier (read: ocean) immediately. I start reading The White Tiger and it is rather engaging. It reminds me of the book by Mohsin Hamid ("The Reluctant Fundamentalist"). I rather quite like it and it is very fast-paced. Hopefully I will finish that as soon as I can and I can move on to Diaz's.

+ Isn't that nice? Pt3

One of the line that's stuck in my head from Adiga's is "My whole life, I have been treated like a donkey. All I want is that one son of mine - at least one - should live like a man." Balram's dad utters this angrily to Kusum, Balram's grandmother. Anyway, that is that. I still feel the first 50 pages are very engaging.

+ Gorgeous tulips in People's Park

+ More flowers

As it is approaching dusk, I make my way home. While leaving the People's Park, I snap some pictures. Breezy beautiful spring is here. Don't you just love it?

Note: I receive a call from Frank, organizer of Squash Tourney that will take place on 25th April 09 (Saturday, next week). I agree to participate. I did really well last year. I hope I will do great this time around and able to attend the prize-giving ceremony (post tourney).

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter weekend - trip to County Clare, Ireland

I was ecstatic last week. It was a short week as it was Easter Weekend. Longest weekend of the year. Luke was coming over to visit and we planned to drive away for the long weekend. Co Clare was the target. Ramz was coming along too. She purposely took a few days off as well. All was well planned.

Chevrolet Mantiz was rented. Not too bad at all. It was cheap rental really (about Eur65 for 4 days), accordingly to Luke. He was saying, in Brussels for the price of the weekend rental that I paid, he would only be getting a day worth of rental. I guess that was a bargain really.

We picked up Ramz at about 8.00am on that Saturday (11 Apr 2009) and we drove to immediately to Co Clare. We used M50, and then N7. We got lost a bit, but thanks to my skill of map-reading (ops, sorry, I could only compliment myself, since no one compliments me), we managed to take the regional roads all the way to Dooling - the village we stayed in.

+ This is it - Cliff of Moher!

+ Cliff of Moher - isn't that something?

We got to Doolin and checked in at out place to stay - Aille River Hostel. It was nice. It was clean - the number one priority. We decided quickly to go to Cliff of Moher since it was such a beautiful day. We had a blast on top of the cliff. It was a scary experience since the cliff is so high up from the water level. We had a good time, from taking photographs, to dropping the camera to shooting Bollywood-like video of Luke interviewing Asywara Rai Abdullah. It was fantastic. We were so worried that Ramz like to take photos close to the edge of the cliffs while me and Luke - we stayed away from the cliffs so much so, it felt so wrong to be too close to the plain when the whole intention was to experience the cliffs :)

+ Look at the signs - no wonder we were lost for a bit. But the breakfast at the Tea Junction was nice

+ Poulnabrone - portal that's erected before pyramids!

We did not leave the opportunity to sample the famous seafood chowder, since that area is famous for its fishery. Nothing to shout about. It can't rival the clam chowder of San Francisco really, that is still the best. Perhaps the next trip, we will be off to San Francisco, to sample the chowder by the bay.

The next day, it was time to leave. We checked out early. We checked out by 9.00am. We decided to take the regional road by the sea. It was indeed breathtakingly beautiful, of course. Ireland is famous for its countryside. There were some friends who visited Ireland (read: Dublin) and said, there is nothing to see. Well it is up to one's preference. I think it applies to all towns and cities in the world, there are bound to be something that will attract you, all you have to do is to open your mind and embrace the magic it has to offer.

+ Quin Abbey - off Ennis

Anyway, on the way back we decided to drop all the plan to use the same route to go back to Dublin. Instead we went through Ennis, Limerick and Tipperary. Again, we stumbled many castles, cemeteries, small tiny villages, cattle and sheep and more greens. We got home at about 8.00pm and we took the chance to drive to the city for some Nasi Ayam, at Charlie's. The foods were plentiful.

The next day - Monday, 13th April 2009 - the weather was not as good. We decided to go to Howth. I have not been to Howth. Again, its scenic picturesque landscape has attracted millions but we discovered more than that - their seafood chowder was not bad! It was nice. We had a bowl to be shared. And we did not miss the chance to buy some seafood.

+ Howth is beautiful too, albeit being so close to Dublin city

+ Cute seals in Howth water

It was one of memorable vacation really. Thank god for the long weekend. It was fantastic. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is visiting Ireland to do drive into the country. It never fails to impress and surprise you. Till next time, thanks Luke, thanks Ramz - it was great long weekend.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sekadar berkongsi...

Sebenarnya aku stumbled upon a nice blog by Mohammed Khairul Anwar. This entry is posted on his site. So dengan konsep blog aku dengan postingnya yang terkadang sangat rawak, aku rasa elok aku share ilmu ni. Sekeping zikir. Bukan apa, sekadar berkongsi. Aku pun masih belajar, merangkak-rangkak. Semua masih belajar, I guess. Tapi satu perkara yang kita semua nak - yang membuatkan kita memburu benda yang sama - kita nakkan perkara yang baik baik kan?

Diriwayatkan daripada Hazrat Abu Hurairah katanya Rasulullah S.A.W Bersabda ;

"Dua kalimah yang ringan di lidah, berat di timbangan dan disukai oleh Allah yang maha pemurah iaitu...

Hadith Riwayat Bukhari, Muslim Dan lain-lain...

"Ringan di lidah" bermaksud bahawa tidak perlu meluangkan masa yang lama untuk membaca kerana kalimah tersebut sangat ringkas. di samping itu tudak susah dan tidak memakan masa yang lama untuk menghafalnya. walaupun demikian apabila tiba waktu amalan ditimbang, disebabkan kalimah tersebut diwiridkan dengan banyak maka kalimah tersebut akan memberatkan timbangan amalan. sekiranya tidak ada apa-apa faedah yang lain pun, adakah suatu yang lain mengatasi kesukaan Allah terhadap kalimah tersebut? Imam Bukhari telah mengakhiri kitab sahihnya dengan dua kalimah ini. Hadith inilah yang ditulis pada akhir kitabnya

Dipetik dari
Fadhilat Amal
Shaikhul Hadith Hazrat
Maulana Muhammad Zakariya Rahmatullahi'alaih

Source: dunianuar.blogspot.com

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The end of tennis for me?

I discovered that I screwed up the ligament - at the back of my left knee cap again. I never had this, whilst playing squash. But I did my tennis again last week, and the injury cropped up again. Luke noticed egg-like swollen spot at the alleged area. I think the best is to stop playing tennis and squash. All sports for that matter.

I did play tennis considerably well when I started for the first time this year, last week. Never have I thought it would lead to a serious injury like this. I don't want to be separated from my tennis. I hope it will all go away.

It starts when I volley and spin the ball from baseline. My position is always - ready. Ready to receive the fast and furious balls (Simon is my colleague at work, and he is really good). By "ready" I mean, a lot of body weight supported by my left lower limb and the right part will swing as I volley/spin the ball. So, by doing this many times and the need to twist the left knee as I fiercely turn - it has led to a lot of work being done by my left knee. Most of the times it is locked in one position by turning my right part of the body for the potentially good returns. Yes, there were some really good returns (odds: 7/10, ahhh who cares, I simply put the stats I guess but Faris can vouch for me, as he plays tennis with me a lot), but now I am paying the price.

I spoke to Faris about this - that my tennis career is over. Well, it is far from over for I do not have one to begin with. I think I will stick to rub the area with deep heat, and later to wear the knee support like Nadal does. I guess Nadal faces the same thing as well. Hmm, I just have to bear with the injury before I am making my come-back.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Long Easter Weekend Has Started

I just got back from the city centre - meeting Barry and Xavier. It was nice meeting up where I passed them the two kain batik sarongs that I got for them (from my recent holiday). Xavier chose the purple one and Barry was down to not having any choice but to accept the green one! They love it!

+ Barry (left) and Xavier. It is hard when it comes to the moment to pick a pic to be posted. Chances are - nothing would be agreed on. It is hard to find a fab pic to be posted. Now here goes - 2 of my closest friends here in Dublin (besides Lockz and Ramz), my squash mates and the souls I could rely on. Esp when I went through a hard time recently. You guys are super. As Xavier normally puts it "totally"...

+ I want to be on the safe side. I post 2 pics, in case the 1st one doesn't meet the criteria of being a photo that does justice. Haha

I will not be seeing them for a bit now, since, it is Easter weekend. Barry will spend a bit of time with his parents in Malahide and Xavier will be unwinding from demanding workloads for the past few weeks. I met Barry’s friend – Pepe – for the first time. I came to learn that they are off to Morocco soon. It will be a backpacking trip between Xavier, Barry and Alan. I wished Xavier good luck, since he is the kind of guy who would go for posh hotels for his holidays and now – backpacking!. But I am sure they will be having fantastic time. I wish I can join them. [Now I think about it, this is big 10-day trip to Morocco. I am not sure their plan to be come over to Malaysia this Sept/Oct will happen. We shall see]

They have given up asking I guess. I told Xavier, I do not mind at all if four of us meeting up for coffee, lunch or dinner - or whatever, as long as I am not surrounded by strangers. It seems that going out on Saturday night, is not my thing anymore. Call me sad or anything, it is just not me anymore. I am down to looking forward to squash on Sundays and occasional meet-ups at Barry’s for his winter foods (that was lovely Barry, but I am also glad that winter is over now). Other than that, I do not really see myself in the club anymore. But I must make a point to join them in the club one of these days. I like talking, not just jabbering but proper conversation - and I have issues with the loud music! The next meet up will be over drink on Tuesday night, followed by squash on Wed evening (I think), and Friday night for DVD night. Pepe will bring Happy Feet. Perhaps I will enjoy Happy Feet this time around.

Now it is 7.00pm - I am panicking in getting this place ready. Lukman texted that he is already at Brussels airport. He will be arriving at 10.00pm tonight. I will drive to the airport with Ram tonight to pick him up. It has been hectic day today. I am not sure whether we will be able to get up really early tomorrow to hit the road to get to Cliff of Moher. We need to. Anyway, we will be OK. As long as no late nights tonight.

+ The loyang is small, but enough for 2-3 people I guess. I should have used more of the red food colouring, don't you think? Well that is enough I think ;)

+ Yummy, fancy teh-O to go with that? Self praising, a lot of effort that's gone into making this a reality. Not to mention the dishes that I need to wash...

BTW, amidst the busy Good Friday today, I managed to make some traditional kuih – Kuih Lapis. This is the result. I have been wanting to make Kuih Lapis for few days now. I did not find corn flour the 1st time around and now, this is the result (above). I am not the biggest fan of this kuih anyway, but the idea of making it myself, that was the fun bit.

To those who celebrate Easter, Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Cliff of Moher - Doolin - Co. Clare

Yeah I just got back from a holiday (I will update with the pics soon, as I promised in previous entry). And now I am planning for the long weekend in Co. Clare - I will visit, along with Lukman from Brussels and Ram. I am still in denial I am back at work, and needing another weekend of break. Someone suggested Cliff of Moher. So, we will be there over the weekend.

I have booked the place to stay. We will stay here - Aille River Hostel, Doolin (Doolin is a small beautiful village in Co Clare, close to the place we want to visit - Cliff of Moher)

And the most important is to visit and to scale the famous and most beautiful Cliff of Moher. There is so much being talked about it, and from the pics that I have gathered from the internet, they are nothing but amazement! Check them out. (Then again Ireland is so famous for its countrysides (besides U2), so it is rather appropriate to check them out)

+ I hope the weather will allow us to take such pic like this. Fingers crossed.

+ I hope my camera will be able to produce this. Haha.

+ Another pic to keep us all mesmerised. Picture this: A walk on the greens, right after the sunrise.

I shall write more once I am back from the holiday (before the holiday, I think I will update all of you, what the hiatus was all about, and where I was, hehe). And right after the trip to Co. Clare, we plan to go to Giant Causeway, up north. I really doubt it we can do this since that is like, 2 big-scale drivings to be done.

Then again, it is once a lifetime chance I guess... Let's see...

Thursday, April 02, 2009

The Hiatus

March 2009 has been nothing but complete silence. No entries on this from me. A lot did take place, and I am still amazed the twists and turns this poor life can offer. Anyway, I am glad it is all over now - with mixed outcome, but to sum it all up in a nutshell, all my prayers have been answered. Alhamdulillah.

[I shall share more in this very space, soon, hopefully today. Stay tuned.]