Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Adi Putra oh Adi Putra

I just finished watching a documentary on Channel 4 - about looking for world's smartest kids. The host travels the world to meet Adora Svitak in US, Adi Putra in Malaysia and Ainan Celeste Cawley in Singapore. What triggers me to write here is about Adi Putra. How larger than life he is in terms of the claim on his mathematical prowess.

+ Adi, with much pride, showing off his certs [Source of photo: nizaworld.wordpress.com]

The host goes to meet Adi's "agent", yeah you heard me right. He has an agent. Someone by the name of Prof Fakharuddin of UTM (I am sorry, if I've got the name wrong, but that is secondary). Upon triggered, Prof says "Perhaps Adi is the smartest kid in the world. I think he is!" He goes on to add "He can speak 8 languages; French, German'S', American English, British English, Singapore English" I am gobsmacked. Not only the number doesn't match (is it 6 or 8, Prof?), there is such a thing like a language called Singapore English? That is making complete fool of oneself, let alone it is spurted from a Professor! Oh by the way, the Professor tells the host that Adi has 6th sense. Yes this is getting too interesting to handle.

The host goes on to meet Adi Putra. His "office" is located at one of the shoplots. He has a huge room - imagine a boss's room in one of the Malay dramas. That huge. It helps if you imagine Jalaludin Hassan or Aziz Singah, in suit, as a CEO. So there is so much to be unearthed from this 9-year old.

+ I am sure the Professor is also THE image consultant for Adi Putra. Ouch, it is must be hurting to wear the suit - yes it is damn hot and humid. My advice - go for something like light cotton... or better still, go for something that is... err more for kids! [Source of photo: The Star Online]

Adi shows some mathematical magics on the board, with of course the Professor or the agent in the background. Yes, I can tell his prowess on mathematics. Not bad at all. I am very impressed. Oh by the way, amidst the claim that he can speak three versions of English, Adi Putra doesn't manage to speak English fluently, which leads the program to conclude that the language barrier makes it hard to get a lot out of him. He can speak English alright, but the claim of knowing various versions of English is a bit too much to chew!

Did I tell you that Adi formulates, endorses and promotes brain-food in the form of tablets. Yes you heard me right again! One bottle is blue in colour, and the other one is red. When asked, he says; One is for left brains and the other one is for right brains. OK now, shoot me in the head now, shoot me. I do not deserve to breathe anymore! I am out of breath looking at the host trying hard to digest all these bizarre outflow of idiotic information. Every single word that comes out smells stupidity to the highest degree!

Yes about the tablets or pills. The host goes on to ask "How did you come about to sell these brain foods or tablets. How did you get the idea?" Adi replies "I have a dream AT the middle of night you know, and the next morning I tell my parents to sell the pills", the use of English is intentional, that is how Adi speaks. If you are not flat on the floor now, get someone to stab you 20 times till you fall flat on your face, with blood of course! At this very juncture, I can tell that the host thinks "I have just wasted hundreds of pounds to get here to interview a loonie!"

Finally, picking up from a point by Professor in earlier part of the interview, the host goes on to ask Adi Putra about his 6th sense. Yes again, do expect something really stupid from him. Well the host asks "You have 6th sense, I was informed. What can you tell about the future? Can you tell me what will happen in the stock market?" Adi keeps quiet. Well I am not sure whether stock market is in his vocabulary of 8 languages. And the host rephrases "Can you predict what will happen in the future?"

To which, after hesitating pause, Adi replies "We will die!" (Yes Adi I have news for you - if you keep on giving this kind of response to people, I bet the whole world population would die in shock - upon discovering your overstated intelligence! Don't you dare to do double-act with that Professor - that will bring back the dead!)

The rest, I will leave it to your interpretation to deduce whether this kid really is intelligent or there are irresponsible parties around him manipulating him as marketing vehicle to make money out of his so-called intelligence.

+ The other two kids that are interviewed in the program. I think Adora is scarily intelligent. She seems like an adult who's trapped in 10-year old body. To Ainan, don't worry if you do not make it to the world of intellect, just cross the Tambak Johor, and Yusof Haslam or David Teoh is so ready for a leading part in I-love-you-but-your-rich-family-doesn't-like-me-therefore-I-will-settle-for-some-kampong-chick-instead-but-it-looks-like-you-will-leave-your-wealth-to-be-with-me-herding-some-cows-back-in-Rembau kinda movies for you! Or, you can opt to become a model while aiming high - i.e. becoming a space-tourist! Either way you will do just fine!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Selamat Ulang Tahun Sayang - Imran Ajmain

Selamat Ulang Tahun Sayang - Imran Ajmain

Yang tulus ikhlas
Ingin sekali sekala dirinya dibalas
Walau hanya dengan dakapan di angin lalu

Yang selalu memberi
Ingin sekali sekala jadi penerima
Cukup dengan salam dan manis doa

Aku ingin kau merasakan hebatnya cinta
Dan leburkan saja serpihan calar derita

Selamat ulang tahun sayang
Kini kau bersayap, pergilah terbang
Rentaslah langit cita cita mu
Harap nanti kita 'kan bertemu

Selamat ulang tahun sayang
Janganlah engkau tak terbang pulang
Ku nanti penuh kerinduan
Selamat tinggal, selamat jalan

Aku hanya inginkan engkau setia
Kerana setia yang mencipta bahagiamu

This is kind of rare entry. I came across this song an hour ago on You Tube, what apparently is a song by Imran Ajmain (Seribu Tahun). I have been listening to it for more than 20 times now. I like this song. I do not think it is really strong song but for whatever reason, there are some bits in that song that touch me. The reason why I think it is not strong is in the lyrics (lyrics by Ahmad Fedtri Yahya, the one who did Dusta Berkalang, a favourite song of Luke). Some words are struggling to match the melody, to make it more in synch with the song. Overall, it is still a good one by Imran Ajmain.

I fell in love with Seribu Tahun last year (and still think that is one of good work by Imran), about this time in Jan 2008. And now, this song hits me. Anyway, may be that is just one of the moments when I feel I am all alone. So it is time to be surrounded by friends again, I guess.

Sometimes, I feel I need that jab of loneliness to really come to terms how depressing it can be, how vulnerable we can be. More often than not, I am too absorbed in the fast lane - being busy at work, or having fun with friends. So, certainly I feel from time to time, I like it when the loneliness hits.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Painting No. 2

This is bizarre. I am blogging so randomly today - so much ideas, and so many things to update. Anyway, this is my 2nd entry for the day. I can't believe it myself. I think this is just a seasonal thing, before I get busy with delivery of projects.

+ It is not finished just yet.

Anyway, this is my current project since the first one (portrait of Itamar). I think I want to call it Pot1. It's an oil painting - my first time ever playing oil. It has been a rough ride. I use the colour straight from the tube and it is not easy playing with oil paints. It takes ages to dry, and mixing can be a pain too. I just enjoy the ride.

This is one of the sketches I made at Brussels Airport, heading back to Dublin. Unfortunately, I lost the sketch book. I rely a lot on my memory of how I want the painting to be. So far I am happy with it of course, except today when I painted on the floor and I smudged paints on my new rug! *sigh* Anyway, I am glad to see the outcome of it.

This painting is my 1st oil painting and definitely inspired by the trip that Aidah, Luke and myself made to Van Gogh Museum/Gallery in Amsterdam. I have never enjoyed painting so much, till now. I guess I need to allocate a room for my art activities when I move into a larger house that I can call my own. So, for now, I will keep on painting.

[Yes, I still owe myself and the "reader" the update on my holiday/break in Belgium, Germany and The Netherlands]

Winter and what comes with it...

+ This Thurs is the day to watch this Golden Globe Best Picture - Slumdog Millionaire

I was hit with flu when I was in Brussels during Xmas. There was no time to nurse it. Luke gave me Dafalgan. I was not sure whether it was Dafalgan that managed my flu, or combination of other drugs that I took.

What frustrates me is that – I took the flu jab before winter. When I got back to Dublin on 01 Jan, it just got worse. What can I do, but to really make sure that I am well enough to get back on my feet. When I got back in the office, at least 7/10 people were coughing, blowing their nose, complaining about the fact that they were down with flu over X’mas. That is the package for Winter!

I claimed that I was in the last stage of flu. And to my dismay it came back – after the Irish rains came pouring last Sunday. That was the very day that we chose to play squash (the usual), and then off for Mexican food in the city and then, finished it with the club. Most of the time, I was in contact with the rain. When I got back home it was 12 midnight and there was no way I would shower off the rain.

Lo and behold, I developed flu yesterday. This time around – with cough as the icing to it. I think I know the reason why – I tend to do so many things, in so little time. Again, I am trying to play squash again with Russell and Xavier tomorrow. I think, I should just chill and take it easy. I want to be well for Thursday SlumDog Millionaire at Cineworld, and a slumber party at Jenny’s on Friday night!

Hopefully I will be well, by Sunday – so that I can have my weekly squash!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Spending spirit goes on and on

This will be simple and sweet. I was in the city centre - initially, I wanted to do my groceries shopping. Well, one thing led to another, and then then I found myself in Golden Discs and browsing through.

I found Golden Girls - Series 1. Well I did not take long to embrace one and headed out with it (of course I paid first). Goodness me, all the memories laughing to this award winning sitcom, revolving around the 4 elderly women in Miami :)

Golden Girls - way before Friends, Will and Grace etc - has somewhat become something I grew up with esp when I was in Cambridge for my A Levels and then I moved on to Uni days in Bristol.

I could still remember watching that in the common room, and Edwin would be so great repeating the lines by Sophea. That was hillarious. So, when I ended up with the DVD from Golden Disc, I knew I made apt decision on owning one. Now I am really crazy, I have gone online to own the whole collection of the DVDs up to Series 7.

I must now remember what my Zodiac said on that very day during my train-ride to city centre. It sais - Stop spending! Uh for the love of god, this one only, this one last time only! ;)