Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Monday, March 31, 2008

The end of my vacation in Malaysia - Entry #5

My holiday has come to the end – sad. What a holiday! If there is one word for me to describe it, it has to be, well, - satisfied. I am satisfied with many aspects of the holidays, be it the ones I planned or even certain circumstances that have taken place, which turned to be great in the end. There is no need for me to go into the details, but to some close friends - you know what I mean. To certain extent; it has somewhat improved me to be a calmer person. I managed to eat what I wanted to eat (so much so I gained weight)

I am catapulting the time now to share with you that I am at Doha International Airport (at least at the time this entry is composed), 8 hours after I said good by to mak, abah and all. I am not that impressed by this airport (how could they beat KL in hosting the Asian Games 2006 when the infrastructures are not as good). Matthias called me (about work, yes, work has started… *sigh*) and he said, “Kill your time by going shopping.” Yeah as if there are a lot to do here – to be duty free shopping is over-rated, the idea of believing that there’s so much value for money for every single items displayed there, would drive you to at least own something only to realize that you don’t really need it. As for Doha Airport, the shops - I can count the number of shops worth going for. All I thought about was to get some postcards since Itamar collects them. Anyway, I am not in the mood really. I think, I am better off killing the time surfing the net.

Yesterday, 30/03/2008 was the last day of my holiday and also the last day of me being in kampung. As always, I would put packing to the very last minute. The weather was really hot yesterday, I could not remember how many times I went to the bathroom to shower. For whatever reason, the rain didn't seem to be hitting the grounds. Finally, I borrowed by sister's car and off I went to get my hair cut. While I was in Kuala Pilah, it was like I was transported into teenage years and I recorded some photos – while I was in the barber shop for my haircut, some photos of the Kuala Pilah town itself, made way back back - detoured to Seri Menanti to check out the palace etc.

+ Pekan Kuala Pilah

+ I have always noticed this very old façade for ages. It was so apparently to me this time around when they had enhanced the colors. For whatever reason, my brains cannot really process the old motifs having been repainted boldly as above.

+ Kuala Pilah Bus Station – we have seen this in the other entry. It used to be old, it got a new facelift a few years ago and now, it looks quite dashing for a small town. On monthly basis we’d see army STJ students crowding the stand to hop on buses to Seremban for their monthly break away from the madness at the hostel – including me.

+ One piece of memory really – the shop called Abdul Hamid charts a good memory. I worked here right after SPM. I washed dishes. I am not certain how much I made at that time – a couple of hundreds a month I think.

+ The signage back to my place from Kuala Pilah – Tanjung Ipoh. Apparently, it is named after the Ipoh trees which are known to produce poisonous latex that is typically used when going hunting.

+ Masjid Sri Mungkal – the masjid located at the T-junction on the way to Seri Menanti. This is the masjid I normally frequent with my abah. Every year, the whole family will solat Aidilfitri here as well.

+ Upwell – a new shopping centre so to speak. I stopped here to get a few things to bring back to Ireland – mainly the instant Aik Cheong coffee and some instant teh-tarik!

+ This is me – visiting the same old mamak shop whenever I am back in kampong. It is really value for money – RM6.00 for the haircut. If that is not value for money, I don’t know what is!

+ Masjid Kuala Pilah – normally when we go to for our rounds of visits to relatives’ during Hari Raya, we’d stop at this masjid when we are sure we can’t make it home for Magrhib.

+ Check out the amount of rending cooked by mak. It’s a lot and it’s delicious. :) I felt bad when she noticed I did not pack enough! And she went ahead to double the amount I was taking away with me.

+ Istana Seri Menanti – this is the main attraction of my kampong actually. Tanjung Ipoh is my “new” kampong as I hailed from Kampong Talang (hence the name of the blog). This is famous palace and still being used by Negeri Sembilan royal families for functions etc. It is specially known for it was built using absolutely no nails at all!

+ I once climbed the palace to the top deck – breathtaking view from high above. I felt a bit strange in the palace, there is something eerie about the place I think, especially when you entered the huge kamar beradu (or bedrooms, it was more like a chamber to me). Rumour has it, there used to be a bottle there (it’d better be a small one), that is full of hair – interestingly, there is only one strand of hair that makes up the whole volume in the bottle. I did not see that when I was there.

+ Before I left he palace I noticed a nice old house with an interesting name.

Finally, I am so ever grateful to be able to spend some quality time with family and friends. I spent great quality time with mak & abah in kampung. Not to mention to engage in business talks with my sisters and Abg Jeff - insya'Allah I pray that whatever you have in your mind will come to fruition eventually. Mak & abah - thanks for taking the trouble to ensure that I got everything that I wanted to eat, from the very night I arrived home till yesterday.

Faiz, Carlos, Agoy, Mak Wan, Kodek, Rozai - that was simply great time we had, no matter what we did. But a couple of things that are stuck in my mind - karaoke at E-Box and Tg Malim trip for the pau! Those were just beyond madness. And also, thanks for the Kancil :) Kodek, THANKS a lot - I can't thank you enough. You were there when I needed a friend most. Only the best of things I wish upon you! You deserve that. Not to forget - Shidah, Naz and Nazran or Nazritz (new nick based on the stuff that happened to him at Parkson KLCC!) *ops; I am sure we will meet again. We planned to do many things, insya'Allah some of those will be materialized. I can't wait to mechanise that lecture Shidah :) Also to Rozita, my dear friend, how very apt to have you at a point when I needed someone so bad. You always give me the best perspective of things - you would always be the best friend one could ever ask for. Azmi/Kak G, Rafi and family - it was great to have that mini reunion after those years.

OK now, I am back to killing these few hours before boarding my next flight from Doha. Arghh... I can predict the days ahead of me now - rather hectic. I will try my best to succumb to the requirement or hard work and to perform beyond expectation for the next few days so that I can be back in Dublin soon. I simply feel that I need to be back in Dublin.

God, grant me that wish.

** Continuation **

I arrived in Khartoum at 5:00 pm, local time. I called the driver and he said “Mr Matthias told me it is 6:40 pm” You know what. I could picture that Matthias had written 1640 hrs and he mistook it for 6:40 pm. Sometimes there was no use to argue and feel frustrated anymore. I felt numb. I was impressed, I could control myself, after 17 hrs of travelling and the driver made me wait for close to 2 hrs. But thank god there was Faris who called me and we talked about a few business ventures! I mean potential business ventures. He sounded serious. So was I.

I arrived at the apartment at quarter to 7:00 pm. I quickly changed and went jogging for 1/2 hr. That felt good. I want to shed off the extra kilograms (if there is any), but I feel that I need to pick up exercising again – to feel healthy. I jogged for 1/2, I guess that is a good start. Well it was not a good idea to jog. When I got home, I felt as if tonnes of sands are stuck in my throat. I think I inhaled them as I jogged. It was just dusty everywhere, and the temperature of 40C doesn't help!

Now it is quarter to 10 pm. I want to retire for the night already. I have not ironed my shirt for tomorrow. I will do it tomorrow morning. All I need now is to get some sleep. Enough sleep!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Local entertainment industry in Malaysia is threatened?

To the uninitiated, from time to time, I like to send my views to the newspapers. It does not really matter whether it gets published or it makes its way into the bin - it is more of an exercise for me to do my bit and voice my opinions. The article below, I had something in mind to be composed upon reading some baseless preconceived ideas by Freddie Fernandez concerning the state government (in four states) formed by opposition coalition which, according to his belief, would skew towards alienating entertainment activities as seen in Kelantan, and make is close to impossible to develop arts and entertainment in Malaysia.

Dear Editor of The Star,

I tried to find the rationale behind the fear claimed by Karyawan President, Freddie Fernandez that the four states may follow Kelantan’s example in approaching the entertainment-related activities (The Star, 28 March 2008). I strongly feel that this is a baseless argument and the highlight of such fear in national newspaper is somewhat one’s loose opinion with lack of factual back-ups.

Yes, Kelantan may have enforced tighter rules on entertainment related activities. They have done this in accordance to the Islamic values they uphold in managing the state. However, the fact that they have lifted the ban 2 years ago on pop concert proves that matter can be handled without much prejudice – there are ways on how to work things out. If the geographical element is put into the argument, there were hardly concerts planned in a big scale with potential high commercial values in these new four states that are ruled by DAP-PKR-PAS coalition anyway. Unless, Karyawan plans to set one of these states as an entertainment hub in Malaysia, the argument is still baseless, too premature and does not hold water.

Take a look at Selangor, which is likely to host more entertainment activities compared to the rest of the four states – things are still going on as planned. For example, Akademi Fantasia concert, a big yearly entertainment activity once championed by Freddie Fernandez, it is still held in that state on weekly basis – it is going on according to plan. There is no immediate action to rule out such activity. This proves that the newly formed executives line-up in that state does not think of such measures to execute some ridiculous measures only to disturb what has been there.

At this early of new management, let’s not concentrate on what the potential weaknesses that may be experienced but entity like Karyawan must step up to the plate and try to work together. There are ways of working together – after all the local entertainment industry is not really one of the major industries that could garner huge returns that would in turn give back to the society. Instead, there is a need for the local entertainment industry to be re-dissected since as of late, it is associated with social ills such as mat rempit, use of recreational drugs etc. In addition to that, look at the substance of the local entertainment happenings – full of unnecessary gossips that not only unhealthily lame but it has created a society that accepts such behaviour or actions and demands more of the worthless news and gossips. Before we know it, this is the generation that Malaysia would depend on one day!

Karyawan as an entity that is close to the local entertainment industry must be smarter in echoing their thoughts and not to project any insecurity. After all, the industry is not an industry that has really put Malaysia on the world map – we have yet to consider this country as exporter of international talents. Hence, keep our feet close to the ground, clear all ill-thoughts and work together. There are still areas that can be worked on and Karyawan needs to polish its vision and understanding of matter at hand before uttering baseless preconceived allegations, only then, they can become a relevant entity to build the nation together.


Note: Some of the articles I have written and publised in the local newspaper before are;

1. The compuflaged role of computer centres in kampongs when they really attract young kids to waste money on playing games,
2. The unnecessary highlight of lelaki lembut in local universities who are deemed to be labeled as social ills and the real issue is to bring greater quality of education within the local context and to internationalise the standard
3. The lack of monitoring of education standard in Malaysia since the loose policies allow anyone and everyone to secure degrees which lead to current unfinished issue on too many graduates and no jobs,
4. How Tabung Haji mis-handled jemaah haji in Mekah and how this can be improved (based on my parents' experience when they went for their Haji,
5. Bogus universities - tendency among Malaysians to go through the easy way of getting PHD online etc.,
6. The entertainment reality tv shows in the Malaysian context where rakyat esp Malays do not realise we're creating a bubble and fast becoming a lazy and complecent society

Friday, March 28, 2008

Vacation in Malaysia - Entry #4

Khamis – 27 Mac 2008 (hari terakhir aku di Kuala Lumpur). Aku namakan ia hari terakhir di Kuala Lumpur untuk percutian ini. Sebenarnya, walaupun aku berada di Kuala Lumpur untuk waktu yang singkat, tapi aku rasakan macam 1,001 perkara telah berlaku. Walaupun macam-macam berlaku dan mengusutkan kepala aku, aku bersyukur, akhirnya semua menjadi manis-manis belaka. It is more like, having 95% of the stuff you planned, went ahead according to earlier plans and 5% that could have potentially made me go berserk, but I didn't! Well all in all - everything has been fantastic.
+ Before anything else, I wanna wish my friend, Suria a happy belated birthday on 28/03.

+ Immigration office di Pusat Bandar Damansara. SYABAS, dah semakin efisen dan ramai yang lemparkan borang... eh silap... lemparkan senyuman!

Hari ini aku mulakan dengan menemankan si Faiz ke kantor Immigration di Pusat Bandar Damansara. Memula dia nak gunakan kiosk macam aku hari tu, sbb tak sampai 5 minit dah beres kan. So berkobar la dia. Tapi malang sungguh sebab diorang dah implement-kan process baru di mana MyKad pun kena scan. Jadi sebab nama Faiz tak sama macam dalam MyKad dan Passport dia - kiosk tu tak terima. So dengan berat hati, kami terpaksa ke kantor untuk mengambil no giliran dll. Alhamdulillah, pejabat imigresen makin efisen rasanya. Walaupun mengambil masa lebih lama sedikit berbanding kiosk, tapi akhirnya kami sejuk sedikit bila staf di sana ramah dan baik hati belaka.

+ Ini lah donut menjadi kegilaan ramai sekarang – kalau pergi tengahari kat Pavillion ni, ramainya manusia beratur nak beli donut ni...

+ Tapi memang sedap la pulak, lembut/fluffy-nyaaaaaaa... Out of this world lah. Selembut sutera la konsep donuts ni

Setelah selesai, kami berkobar pula ke Pavillion. Memang aku suka ke Pavillion – mungkin sebab tempat ni masih baru, belum pudar novelty-nya. Pada hari itu, kami nak jumpa Wan Aida dan Pn Lat – my former colleagues. Seronok betul jumpa Wan Aida, sbb kami selalu "bully" dia. Bukan bully macam mana – cuma Aida ni, ya Allah workaholic sangat. Kalau nak jumpa dia nih, mengalahkan nak jumpa Agong krn nak merayu sangat nak jadi Menteri Besar **Ops. Sorry no pun intended. Hahaha. So kami makan kat Madam Kwan – aku memang wajib makan nasi kan, tak kira la kat mana. Tapi makanan kat Madam Kwan kira OK la, tapi aku masih tak suka bayar upmarket punya price for makanan yang boleh dpt kat gerai2 **Ops. Anyway, the ambiance kot, I am paying for. Pavillion kami chose sebab Pn Lat dan Aida tengah sorting out their trip to Russia, and the travel agency is in Bkt Bintang. Asyik holiday aje diorang ni. Pantang ada masa! Bagus lah, bila lagi. Jumpa Pn Lat pulak, sarat dia bawak gossip. Memang best, power gila.

Lepas makan jalan-jalan kat Pavillion. Aku memang nak masuk Tiffany & Co. sebab nak check some stuff - nak tengok apa dia ada. Aku suka masuk boutique2 ni dalam keadaan sempoi sekali - tapi kalau ada kawan2 yang betul2 nak beli lagi bagus. Haha. Menangis la diorang layan kan. Tapi yang berkobar nak shopping masa tu adalah Faiz dan Pn Lat. Pn Lat nak beli something for her boss sebab bagi appraisal begitu bagus apparently. Faiz pulak, well Faiz pulak, just being herself la kot – tapi aku boleh agak dia nak beli Burberry handbag and purse tu. So, aku jadi orang yang convince kan depa utk beli, so I was the salesperson’s best friend lah untuk hari tu.

+ Pemandangan dari dalam kereta ni, KLCC. Dengarnya crowd dah pergi ke Pavillion, dan bukan kat Suria KLCC lagi dah... Betul ke?

Sebab diorang tak jumpa apa diorang nak, kitorang pun pergi ke KLCC pulak – di mana aku convincekan Faiz utk beli Burberry handbag and purse tu (finally dia beli), and Pn Lat pulak jumpa clutch bag utk boss dia and we found it at Mont Blanc. So semua happy – yg aku plak, I laid my eyes on Burberry belt, I was thinking of buying it (not even for me, tapi ngada2 pulak nak Paul Smith, aku bagi Paul Dublin baru tau!). But, I did remember I'd do my shopping bln depan or May kot. Tengok la cam mana. Projek di Sudan tu tak abis lagi, so tak leh nak reward myself la kan, at the same time tak nak membazir - tapi tak tau la kalau aku terjumpa kerusi cantik satu set, mana la tau aku tergerak hati nak beli *ops jgn marah ye Luke!

+ Dah beribu kali aku ambil gambar dari angle ni rasanya...

Lepas semua dah happy tu aku dpt call dari Nazran. Dia ajak jumpa. Nazran ni seorang arkitek kat KL ni, he is such a fun guy (pandai melukis pulak tu, sapa nak beli lukisan dia, meh sini aku broker kan!). Kebetulan pulak kami dari Negeri yang sama. Apa lagi – tak henti2 la berborak dan gelak. Memula kat Dome, lepat tu pulak aku cakap aku tak Asar lagi kat dia, kami ke Masjid KLCC. Nazran dah solat so, temankan aku aje la. So aku tak lepaskan peluang utk snappy2 kat area taman tu. Cantik. Nampak pulak Traders Hotel dan Exxon, teringat kat Aidah – dah ada kat Lagos dah dia.

+ Aku suka masjid KLCC ni, tapi kalau Jumaat memang la sesak kan! Tapi aku ada simpan niat nak berbuka puasa kat Masjid ni one day :) For whatever reason, I find the idea of breaking fast at masjids fascinating

+ Masjid KLCC lagi

Kami jalan2 lagi ke KLCC check out a few boutiques. Nazran suruh check Tiffany lagi. Aku ingatkan under refurbishment, tapi masih ada lagi boutique dia. Buka lagi. So kami browse apa yang ada. Last sekali aku cakap kat Nazran, aku nak belikan Faiz hadiah birthday dia. Aku tak tau nak beli apa, dan aku pun terus pilih Armani Diamonds kat Parkson (aku macam tak percaya yang Parkson dah jadi begitu high end sekarang ni...). Kelakar sangat masa nak pi wrap hadiah tu, Nazran selamba rock aje tunjuk kat aku satu bag (ntah sapa punya). Aku terus pi grabbed dan tengok content dia – rupanya bra. Ada mat saleh tu belikan utk girlfriend atau bini dia. Yg kelakar masa tu mat saleh tu tgh pilih2 ribbons yang sesuai untuk balutkan hadiah tu, tapi lepas tu cepat aje dia cancel, sbb ribbon tu kena bayar. Alamak, berkira sangat kan dia tu. Tapi apa pun aku happy, dpt gak beli hadiah utk si Faiz. Sure dia suka kot wpun myk wangi dia dah berkoyan kat atas dressing table dia tu.

+ Nazran tolongkan aku cari hadiah untuk Faiz. Ini gambar masa dok sebok wrap hadiah tu. T kasih la Nazran sudi temankan aku, wpun kau terpaksa heret beg Gucci kau tu, hahaha - matila aku... Satu lagi, sampai ekau sanggup cancel poie gym for that day, terharu aku! Tapi yang ekau cokak pinggang tu apo pasal?

+ Pandai gadis2 di Parkson ni balutkan hadiah ni, memang menarik da'bomb lah! Gambar ni masa kita lepak kat Aseana, lepas penat mengukur KLCC. Well, teringat masa minum dengan Luke dan Aidah kat sini masa balik raya tahun lepas

Last sekali aku dpt call drp Faiz dia kata dia ada kat KLCC dengan Agoy dan Rozai nak pick aku up. That was great, aku malas sangat nak ambik taxi. Then Carlos pun called kata dia dah abis tournament bowling. So kami decided to makan nasi ayam, ayam kampong kat Wangsamaju. And I grabbed the chance nak beli burger Ramly – best. Lama dah aku idamkan burger ni. So that was nice. Malam tu gak aku said good by to Rozai, Agoy dan Mak Wan – sbb insya’Allah nanti Raya kita ketemu semula :)

Monday, March 24, 2008

Vacation in Malaysia - Entry #3

There isn't good start for the day besides the hope of wanting to have a great day ahead of me. The reason is simple - everyone takes a day off on this very Monday to be with me. We plan to drive to Tanjung Malim for pau's and then drive down back to Kuala Lumpur.

+ I do not miss the chance to have a bowl of soto ayam. It is a bit too yellow...

According to initial plan, I am supposed to join Faiz at the gym (KLCC), but I can't join her. I wake up late as I take some medicine the night before for my cold. And my cold has not subsided at all. I wake up with strained throat and my morning ritual with the mirror turns out to be a coughing session - I cough a lot. Even I am surprised. There's a lot of phlegm. It is awful I know. I coughed so hard, I notice trace of blood coming out. It is bad. I know, I am so due to see the doctor, which I plan to do tomorrow.

After picking up Rozai at her apartment we hit the road. The mood is great. We stop at Jejantas Sungai Buluh for Rozai wants to use the cash machine. Faiz takes the opportunity to have some Baskin Robins ice-cream while I can’t resist myself to have a bowl of soto. It doesn’t look that nice, with the impression that it has way too much tumeric for some strange reason.

+ Upon the sighting of Yik Mun, hurrays break the four anxious souls in the car

+ I don't even know when is the last time I have some of the pau's at Yik Mun. But they are still nice, although someone tries to stop me from having the pau's here :)

It is really good ride. Carlos is super driver with the new Toyota Fortuner. He doesn’t mind driving us. Faiz and Rozai are busy catching up on their old friends. Mind you, Rozai, Faiz and Carlos go to the same university in Canada. Well, whenever they meet, there’s always exchange of what people are up to. I don’t mind at all really. It is so good to hear what they have been up to. And it does touch me that they purposely take a day off to spend time with me. I must admit, these people (among others), whom I have regarded as my really close friends, so much so, I call them my relatives/ cousins/ whatever – as long as it reflects the bond we have.

+ I have some pau kacang and some pau kaya. I don't particularly like pau's with chicken or beef filling - I do not know why...

+ Rozai is paying for the whole stuff we ate - thanks Rozai (she wants to belanja me). I can't really put up clear photos of Rozai since that needs her approval. Haha Check out the framed newspaper articles on Yik Mun!

At about 12:00 Noon, we reach Tanjung Malim – the capital of PAU, I must admit. Tanjung Malim is famous for the Yik Mun Pau as well as for the Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris and the centre for Hicom – the entity that is responsible for the Malaysia’s national car. We got lost a little. There is so much that has changed in Tanjung Malim. The road has been widened and there’s a new road to get to the other part of the town. We come to realise that there is a new train/commuter station. The last time I am in Tanjung Malim is 2005, right before I go to UK for my masters. We jump out joy when we see Yik Mun – the location is still the same, at that corner by the traffic light and opposite of the Hindu temple. So we feasted on pau ayam, pau daging, pau kacang, pau kaya and accompanied by nasi ayam (Carlos), mee kari (Faiz) and not-so-nice-mee (Rozai).

+ We decide to check out Proton City after the pau's - the lake has evolved into a mature recreational area. It is nice and not as hot as before.

+ Carlos takes the chance to complete the landscape, nice, don't you think?

After that, we decide to discover a bit of Tanjung Malim and I suggest that we go to the man-made lake in Proton City – a new housing area there. A lot has changed since my last visit. There are more new houses, and there more completed bungalows. The lake looks more ‘alive’ compared to before and the trees have grown to provide shades as shelter from the blazing sun. Interestingly, it doesn’t feel as hot as before. There is also mosque, not too far from the lake. We take the chance to pose for some pictures – everyone admits, it is so serene and beautiful (we are even toying with the idea of buying a property there, haha). Then we hear the azan from the mosque. Carlos and I quickly drive there to join them for Solat Zohor (and jama’ with Asar since we are on musaffir).

+ The new surau to complete the new housing area - a nice one. I even tell Carlos that we need to stop to solat there. Check out the background - serene and simply gorgeous

+ The new surau is called Surau Al-Hidayah, Proton City

+ The apartments, the houses... the choices

+ Rozai never tells us that she has quietly started her own business :) Carlos intentionally makes a U turn to visit the shop and capture this picture

We then leave the place. We are lost once again. This place has changed so much – I can’t even recognise the typical roads I use when I frequent Tanjung Malim then. Anyway, we leave the town felling fulfilled and we use the old road to get back to Kuala Lumpur. We stop at Kalumpang Resort – since Rozai tells us that she has been to Kalumpang and the stream is nice etc. So we stop. Then on the way back everyone is talking about – it’s nice to have some cendol since it is hot. Our wish is granted – Carlos sees one and we immediately stop. That is not one of the best cendol, but definitely serves the purpose in that hot weather.

+ On the way back, we stop at Kalumpang Resort. Rozai says that, she has been there before. Not bad, and it is really nice

The day has not ended. Faiz and I have been talking to go to Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman to look at textile for Hari Raya. So, off we go. We go to Gulati’s. I get some nice fabrics for emak. It has been a while since the last time I get her fabrics for Raya – I get her some really nice silk and Japanese cotton (I don’t mind the price tag really, since I want the best for the ones I love really). I have bought similar stuff for the other two mother-figures who I have always regarded as my own emak.

+ When Faiz wakes up from her nap - she mentions the crave for cendol. Carlos spots the right place to stop for cendol in Kg Pasir, on the way back to Kuala Lumpur using the old road

OK now, I bet it is time for me to retire for the day. I need to see the doctor tomorrow. I need to get some sleep. I will sleep happy tonight. I also plan today that we will do a small gathering on Wed night, at Azmi’s house in Subang (close to the airport) where I will meet Azmi and his family after years and Rafi’s as well. Carlos and Faiz / family will definitely be there too. I can’t wait.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Vacation in Malaysia - Entry #2

Hi there, cheh "Hi there" lagi... matila aku sbb tak ada entry yang menarik macam member kita kat Nigeria tu kan. Anyway, I am so tired now. I have been up to so many things. I had my good share of satay kajang just now, at Hj Samuri Sate Kajang dekat Gombak ni (mind you I am in Wangsamaju now). So, there was Mak Wan, Agoy, Faiz and Carlos. Bestnya Mak Wan gelak sebab aku buat jokes semedang kan! I will miss you Mak Wan. (Uh by the way, we went to Karaoke last nite, and it was great. We ended at 2:00AM I think, hehe).

+ Sekadar gambar hiasan, tapi sate ni nampak macam sedap gak kan? Hehe.

Tomorrow will be another hectic day. We will start with gym session at 7:00AM at KLCC. I will follow Faiz to KLCC and Carlos will drop us there. Esok Carlos dan Faiz ambik cuti sbb nak spend time dengan aku. Rozai pun ambik cuti sebenarnya and Agoy pun sama. Hehe. We will start the day dengan pergi ke Tg Malim apparently - nak makan Pau Yik Mun (anyway, despite reminder from Faris not to eat there, we will since Rozai is dying to have some paus. Faris was telling me that, it is not hygienic. Now that he is telling me - I ate there for a few times already... erk).

+ Sekadar gambar hiasan. Yik Mun ni duk kat Tg Malim, the same city (city ke?) yang empunya kepada Univ Pendidikan Sultan Idris serta Hicom (Proton)

OK what's after that Pau. Well I am not sure, but there are a few things like driving back to KL and Faiz wants to get some cloth for Baju Raya from Gulati's on Jalan Tunku Abd Rahman. That will be fun. I have not been there for ages. I am not sure whether I will be in the mood to shop for Kain Ela. I forgot to ask my mak dan abah whether diorang needs kain for baju kurung dan baju melayu. Well, I will decide for them tomorrow. That is my habit every year - I will get them some thematic kain for raya :) And they like it.

+ We will make tokey kain ini kaya esok, eh setakat beli 2-3 meter, kaya ke mereka. Kami bukan nak buat uniform ok!

I spoke to Stephen today - well, he is not feeling too well. He will go under the knife, wait, not for cosmetic purpose, but a procedure. I hope all will go well my dear friend. I spoke to Kodek, I will miss her of course. I did not get to say good by when she left for Melaka today at 2:00PM. She is awesome. Thanks for calling me Dek and spending some good money in the conversation we had. We are awesome people. Hehehehe. Anyway, I will miss you lot. Uh btw, Aidah sent me a text mentioning that she was on the wait to the airport to go back to the darkland. Hehehe. Aidah, soon I will feel the same, hopefully kita boleh berjumpa di bandar B tersebut kan! Anyway, let's hope for the best.

In the meantime, let me enjoy my holiday that is hectic so far with no minute to rest! :) Tu tak mention aku jatuh sakit sejak 18/03, tak tau sebab apa. Mungkin cuaca, mungkin apa ntah. Hmmmm... tapi byknya aku makan ubat yang power2. Sampai tak larat dah.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Vacation in Malaysia - Entry #1

18 Mar 2008

+ I was back at my flat in Dublin for a few hrs on 14th Mar, before heading back to the airport. Well, daffodils are finally out - I can smell spring in the air!

+ This is the entrance door to my flat - nice pic ay!

It was a nightmare – I was so close to missing my flight, from London to KL (MH1) owing to the delay with Aer Lingus from Dublin. It was partly my fault. I was given an earlier flight by the travel agent (I guess they knew what’s best for me). Instead of that, I changed to a later flight – in the name of wanting to spend a bit of time in Dublin doing my banking and running a few errands. It was good to be back in Dublin. I must salute the taxi driver who sent me over to airport – he was putting much effort to cut queues, not really but he was not losing opportunity at sight when he could speed off to make sure that I would be there on time.

Instead of 7:30 pm, I reached Terminal 1 Heathrow at close to 9:00 pm. I had one hour to do all the impossible. I had to go to Terminal 1 and I managed to make it within 10 mins. Phewww! I was impressed with myself. Despite the few minutes that I had at hand, I was also myself at the check in counter – asking for seat change to aisle seat, and asking whether the points have been captured in my Enrich. Then the whole scene began i.e. being apologetic as I braved myself through the security checks, taking my shoes off, passport – these are the reasons why I hate going thro’ Heathrow for any flight, unless London is my final destination!

Enough of that...

+ As mentioned earlier, mak was ready with all the lauks when I got home from the airport - gulai, since we eat lotsa gulai in Negeri Sembilan and nothing is complete without cili api in it

+ There was also; pengat (santan?) durian

+ Jimmy - my beloved animal - did not take long to warm up to me, but as always, he's got so much pride

By the way, MAS service, as always, surpassed my expectation (from that one glass of water as soon as I got my bum onto the seat; to clear my throat after that Heathrow-sprinting I did, to the meal left for me while I was fast asleep and to giving me a tip that’s L’Oreal-moisturiser-leaves-oily-effect-and-don’t-use-it. I am dead serious!). The flight was full of Brits/Europeans. They were taking advantage of the St Patrick hols (in Ireland), but generally the Easter weekend itself. On top of that, it’s school holiday in UK/Ireland. By the way, throughout the whole flight I could not take ignore this Gucci gentleman. He had this huge Gucci paper bag hung over his shoulder and he had this fashion sense that I had only seen carried by a tall lanky model on Fashion TV or so. Well, he was not so poised when he queued after me for the toilet an hour before we landed. Good fashion sense indeed – picture this; a earth yellowish cardigan, on top of a white shirt tucked into white jeans and finished with black belt and black pair of shoes. He was the diva of the flight.

+ KP Cendol Corner - the cendol stall I grew up with. I did not miss to buy RM8 worth of cendol, only to find out that I had to finish all of them :)

+ My first bowl of cendol - in my attempt to finish it all. That was 1st and last bowl. It's nice, but there's so much I could fill my tummy

+ The cendol place is close to the bus stand - the place that brings so much memory i.e. dreadful trips back to my hostel in Gentam after each school holiday. Bas United - on far right, the bus service I used frequently between kampong and Kuala Pilah

I landed at 6:05 pm, Sat, 16 Mar. I didn’t waste more time after greeting my family at the airport. We headed home. As expected I engaged all of us in talking about politics, and how BN had lost in the 12th General Election. Interestingly I didn’t see that many posters left on the roadsides, on lamp posts etc. Well, that exciting period had gradually ended I guess. I was so looking forward to see more of Pak Lah’s, Najib’s, Tok Guru’s face on the plastic sheets. I was to be disappointed then!

+ I was pleased to learn that my Baju Melayu for Raya is ready - I like the colour. My Angah/Abg Jeff are so great at taking care of my needs when I am away from M'sia. Angah was the one who sent the cloth to the tailor :)

+ Going through the wardrobe, I took notice of my mak's kain batek collection - impressive. There's also a pair of shades and luggage-strap; well it is wardrobe of absolute everything, haha

OK back to my holiday, as promised mak waited with her gulai daging salai (as requested by moi). It was awesome. And to end that, she had prepared some santan durian as dessert (akak managed to find some durian kampong on the way back home). Goodness. I was thinking – I am up for something real good and some nice kilos after this vacation. It did not scare me at all really. I was expecting that. I remember how I was let down by myself last time when I did not have that gulai patin tempoyak by end of my holiday in Nov 2007. It was my entire fault. I was not strict to demand what I wanted (haha). This time around, I know what I want and the concept is clear – kampong (eat your heart out Ning, this is real kampong, minus those gaudy gown designs that were hardly kampong! Ops)

I would have two busy weeks ahead of me – there are already six meet ups in KL I need to plan, some errands that I need to run (passport, EPF, income tax, cancelling that brain-dead Citibank for offering me credit card with an outstanding balance, yes you heard me right), sending the Aragi to Luke, looking for a room for my bro who’ll start his days at Toyota soon, building website for my sis’s business, kacau Dodol in conjunction with Maulidurrasul and bring the dodol to my eldest bro’s house on that public hol itself, visiting my bro at UIA etc. The list goes on. I even had to miss the kenduri arwah at my makcik’s in Seremban.

Today is third day of my vacation. I am already stressed out planning what to accomplish within these 2 weeks. I plan to go to KL tomorrow to meet and spend time with Faiz and Carlos for a day or two. I can’t wait to meet them, and Mak Wan of course – my other mak! After that, I will be right back in kampong again for the kacau dodol session on Wednesday evening, in kampong with the rest of the family on Thursday and back in KL again for half of the weekend.

+ Parcel for a friend