Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Monday, March 24, 2008

Vacation in Malaysia - Entry #3

There isn't good start for the day besides the hope of wanting to have a great day ahead of me. The reason is simple - everyone takes a day off on this very Monday to be with me. We plan to drive to Tanjung Malim for pau's and then drive down back to Kuala Lumpur.

+ I do not miss the chance to have a bowl of soto ayam. It is a bit too yellow...

According to initial plan, I am supposed to join Faiz at the gym (KLCC), but I can't join her. I wake up late as I take some medicine the night before for my cold. And my cold has not subsided at all. I wake up with strained throat and my morning ritual with the mirror turns out to be a coughing session - I cough a lot. Even I am surprised. There's a lot of phlegm. It is awful I know. I coughed so hard, I notice trace of blood coming out. It is bad. I know, I am so due to see the doctor, which I plan to do tomorrow.

After picking up Rozai at her apartment we hit the road. The mood is great. We stop at Jejantas Sungai Buluh for Rozai wants to use the cash machine. Faiz takes the opportunity to have some Baskin Robins ice-cream while I can’t resist myself to have a bowl of soto. It doesn’t look that nice, with the impression that it has way too much tumeric for some strange reason.

+ Upon the sighting of Yik Mun, hurrays break the four anxious souls in the car

+ I don't even know when is the last time I have some of the pau's at Yik Mun. But they are still nice, although someone tries to stop me from having the pau's here :)

It is really good ride. Carlos is super driver with the new Toyota Fortuner. He doesn’t mind driving us. Faiz and Rozai are busy catching up on their old friends. Mind you, Rozai, Faiz and Carlos go to the same university in Canada. Well, whenever they meet, there’s always exchange of what people are up to. I don’t mind at all really. It is so good to hear what they have been up to. And it does touch me that they purposely take a day off to spend time with me. I must admit, these people (among others), whom I have regarded as my really close friends, so much so, I call them my relatives/ cousins/ whatever – as long as it reflects the bond we have.

+ I have some pau kacang and some pau kaya. I don't particularly like pau's with chicken or beef filling - I do not know why...

+ Rozai is paying for the whole stuff we ate - thanks Rozai (she wants to belanja me). I can't really put up clear photos of Rozai since that needs her approval. Haha Check out the framed newspaper articles on Yik Mun!

At about 12:00 Noon, we reach Tanjung Malim – the capital of PAU, I must admit. Tanjung Malim is famous for the Yik Mun Pau as well as for the Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris and the centre for Hicom – the entity that is responsible for the Malaysia’s national car. We got lost a little. There is so much that has changed in Tanjung Malim. The road has been widened and there’s a new road to get to the other part of the town. We come to realise that there is a new train/commuter station. The last time I am in Tanjung Malim is 2005, right before I go to UK for my masters. We jump out joy when we see Yik Mun – the location is still the same, at that corner by the traffic light and opposite of the Hindu temple. So we feasted on pau ayam, pau daging, pau kacang, pau kaya and accompanied by nasi ayam (Carlos), mee kari (Faiz) and not-so-nice-mee (Rozai).

+ We decide to check out Proton City after the pau's - the lake has evolved into a mature recreational area. It is nice and not as hot as before.

+ Carlos takes the chance to complete the landscape, nice, don't you think?

After that, we decide to discover a bit of Tanjung Malim and I suggest that we go to the man-made lake in Proton City – a new housing area there. A lot has changed since my last visit. There are more new houses, and there more completed bungalows. The lake looks more ‘alive’ compared to before and the trees have grown to provide shades as shelter from the blazing sun. Interestingly, it doesn’t feel as hot as before. There is also mosque, not too far from the lake. We take the chance to pose for some pictures – everyone admits, it is so serene and beautiful (we are even toying with the idea of buying a property there, haha). Then we hear the azan from the mosque. Carlos and I quickly drive there to join them for Solat Zohor (and jama’ with Asar since we are on musaffir).

+ The new surau to complete the new housing area - a nice one. I even tell Carlos that we need to stop to solat there. Check out the background - serene and simply gorgeous

+ The new surau is called Surau Al-Hidayah, Proton City

+ The apartments, the houses... the choices

+ Rozai never tells us that she has quietly started her own business :) Carlos intentionally makes a U turn to visit the shop and capture this picture

We then leave the place. We are lost once again. This place has changed so much – I can’t even recognise the typical roads I use when I frequent Tanjung Malim then. Anyway, we leave the town felling fulfilled and we use the old road to get back to Kuala Lumpur. We stop at Kalumpang Resort – since Rozai tells us that she has been to Kalumpang and the stream is nice etc. So we stop. Then on the way back everyone is talking about – it’s nice to have some cendol since it is hot. Our wish is granted – Carlos sees one and we immediately stop. That is not one of the best cendol, but definitely serves the purpose in that hot weather.

+ On the way back, we stop at Kalumpang Resort. Rozai says that, she has been there before. Not bad, and it is really nice

The day has not ended. Faiz and I have been talking to go to Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman to look at textile for Hari Raya. So, off we go. We go to Gulati’s. I get some nice fabrics for emak. It has been a while since the last time I get her fabrics for Raya – I get her some really nice silk and Japanese cotton (I don’t mind the price tag really, since I want the best for the ones I love really). I have bought similar stuff for the other two mother-figures who I have always regarded as my own emak.

+ When Faiz wakes up from her nap - she mentions the crave for cendol. Carlos spots the right place to stop for cendol in Kg Pasir, on the way back to Kuala Lumpur using the old road

OK now, I bet it is time for me to retire for the day. I need to see the doctor tomorrow. I need to get some sleep. I will sleep happy tonight. I also plan today that we will do a small gathering on Wed night, at Azmi’s house in Subang (close to the airport) where I will meet Azmi and his family after years and Rafi’s as well. Carlos and Faiz / family will definitely be there too. I can’t wait.


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