Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Monday, February 25, 2008

Another day at the office

Today - my second day at the office after my return. It is not so bad really. Except that I really had a good sleep last night so much so, I did not feel like getting up at all. When I got up, it was already 8:10 am, and the driver is waiting and leaving at 8:30 am. I heard the door bell was run by Fred, who lives next door to mine. I could not be bothered. Yesterday, I was much earlier than him and I waited downstairs. I was busy packing my laptop and stuff when he rang.

For lunch, I managed to get the wings I wanted from yesterday. They were not bad, but they were too dry - unlike the ones I bought from SPAR. I just ate them up as you can see in the following photos (the bones are a bit gross, but what the heck. It is like before-and-after evidences).

+ Before - the buffalo wings

+ After - the bones

I want to share the view I have got - when I look through the window of course. I normally face the office. Sometimes, I would turn and look out through the glass and I could see the Nile etc. Today is the complete opposite - it is all dusty, and all the particles reflect the light and it is so causing pain to the eyes!

+ The roundabout close to the office. It is all jammed up in the morning.

+ Sometimes, it is so nice to gaze out the window and to be greeted by river Nile, but look at it now

+ The football pitch, next to the office

+ Then came a group of boys - playing soccer

Finally, my contribution to the team today...

+ Normally, we have some sugar in the afternoon. So, today I brought my M&M. Everyone loves in. In the background - that is another consultant, busy at work.


At February 26, 2008 6:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

why there is no update today?


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