Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

When the day is just getting tougher!

I do not even know where to begin. There is so much fiasco going on here right now. Things do not seem to work out well really. I am saddened by this development. You know right, I have sorted my ticket out to fly home and today, at the unearthly hour of 9:00am, while I was applying eye-cream to get rid of puffiness around my eyes, I got a call from the proj manager of my current project in Sudan and said "Zul can you get back to the project after your holiday as soon as you possibly can!" What?

+ There is a possibility that I will fly this leg KL - Dubai - Khartoum - Dubai - Dublin by Emirates

The point is, it is my holiday. I don't want to be disturbed by this kind of development! And throughout the day, I was managing this. Matt suggested that I do not FLY the ticket I bought and get a new one and expense it to the co. Uh my, I paid good money for it. Euro1,055 to be exact. How can I not fly that? And on top of that I am flying with MAS. I am so not happy since, had I known about this development, I will be prudent in not spending (or not spending at all), the money for the ticket on my own.

+ Hmm well, I think I prefer MAS to Emirates. Why? Look at the pic, who'd render better service? Of course lah adik sebelah kanan tu kan. Yg akak-akak Emirates tu, setiap 3 saat nak betulkan tudung tak cukup kain tu kan, kekadang tersangkut kat kerusi passenger, kekadang termasuk dalam meal passenger, paling hari tudung 2 sentimeter tu tersangkut kat roda trolley!!! Tu sebab aku suka MAS, cabin crew dia gagah perkasa belaka

+ Of course, I would prefer to have a picnic and a swim in the river back in my kampong as opposed to being in the office, working.

I called the travel agent. They said, I can't get any reimbursement at all if I don't fly the ticket that I have booked. It is getting more complicated. No one sees it from my perspective. For heaven's sake, I have planned this holiday and I did not plan to include my work on top of that. This needs to be compensated for goodness sake. In addition to this saga of work vs vacation, I was so gearing up to meet Paul and Itamar but to my dismay, it needs to be postponed to tomorrow and for the love of god, I need my rice cooker back! <-- This is relevant mind you, it has stressed me out since I got back to Dublin.

Anyway, I texted David, he is free for a chill at Bodega at 8:30pm tonight. There goes my chatting time with Luke. Luke, in all honesty, thanks for listening to the crap I have been feeding you for the past days!


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