Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Friday, February 15, 2008

Khartoum - Amsterdam - Dublin : Part II

Well, dah selamat sampai ke Dublin. So kerana Pingat Cekal Berani Tabah Kategori Blog Sunyi Tapi Berisi, aku yang pegang sejak 6 thn lepas, so aku kena update lah ni. Sampai 2 entries sehari **matila aku kan. Memang cekal sangat aku kan. So, kali ni entry Cekal Tapi Malas konsep dia so, terimalah efek gambar-gambar sajor. Hahaha.

+ 'Home sweet home' la concept dia. Selepas 2 minggu berada di perantauan, kembali ke my own nest -- nothing beats the feeling of being back to my own place, meet the friends I have and do the things I am fond of

So menjelang pukul 8 am aje, aku terus ke XpresSpa tersebut terua lah aku bertanya. "Wahai sedari si pengurut, ku ingin mengurut tengkok dan belakang". So terus la dia offer aku nak minum ke idak ke, aku cakap let's get down to business, kelas kan? Hahaha. Aku ingatkan ada adegan kena bukak baju kena urut segala tu kan, tapi tak ado la sampai gitu. So, urut2an dengan baju masih intact di badan **mati la sesapa yang suka urut dengan si tukang urut buta itu - ops.

+ The entrance to the Xpress Spa at Schipol Airport. I was intrigue to try when I saw it for the first time before.

+ I was asked to sit on one of the chairs. Thank god for that. No frills urut la concept dia, terus di urutkan dan dan tu gak. Cantik angle aku ambik gambar ni, makan hati la Saiful Nang - hehehe.

+ Yang ni, seorang customer tengah mendapat service urutan. Cam gitu la aku kena urut gamaknya.

+ Si Alaey yang mengurut aku. She was nice. She was dedicated, let's put it that way.

+ Art piece, with the title of "DUA Orang Gemuk Kekenyangan" di Schipol Airport; Sempena tahun 2008, tahun melawan obesity **hehehehe.

Finally, tadi sebelom boarding the flight to Dublin, I managed to beli a Tee and a decorative plate for my mom (my mak kumpul pinggan2 ni, sekarand dia nak pulak foreign notes). The Tee is a gift that I have promised someone for a long time. Check it out. Eh kalau tak pun aku nak jadikan tee tu sebagai hadiah peneka jawapan tertepat kepada kuiz SMS aku yg baru lepas tu kan? Hmmm... Aku dah sewel... hahaha.

+ The pinggan dan kemeja-T yang diperkatakan di perenggan di atas.

Sekian peeps, sebenarnya aku masih letih. Tadi Zila datang dengan adik dia, Farid yang baru datang ke Ireland. It was nice of them to drop by. Aku buatkan depa kopi-O Aik Cheong, and then borak2; catch up. Wow, Zila was so happy. She gave me the reason why all the big smile on her face - she apparently received a surprise visit by a colleague at work, knocking on her door at home - with him Valentine's Present and all that. Wow, she's really on Cloud-9 now!

Wait a sec, Shane Ward is on teley (Irish TV programming can be very dull, especially RTE1). He's being interviewed about his development since winning X-Factor a couple of years ago. To his fans in Malaysia, apparently he is heading to Malaysia for his concert. So cepat pi beli tiket kepada peminat2 dia tu.

+ Shane Ward on RTE ONE

I am off now to take a shower, head to Bodega for the farewell drink I have been talking about to say BYE to John *sob sob... And then I will head to city to meet Paul, for a drink and dinner, I guess.


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