Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Vacation in Malaysia - Entry #2

Hi there, cheh "Hi there" lagi... matila aku sbb tak ada entry yang menarik macam member kita kat Nigeria tu kan. Anyway, I am so tired now. I have been up to so many things. I had my good share of satay kajang just now, at Hj Samuri Sate Kajang dekat Gombak ni (mind you I am in Wangsamaju now). So, there was Mak Wan, Agoy, Faiz and Carlos. Bestnya Mak Wan gelak sebab aku buat jokes semedang kan! I will miss you Mak Wan. (Uh by the way, we went to Karaoke last nite, and it was great. We ended at 2:00AM I think, hehe).

+ Sekadar gambar hiasan, tapi sate ni nampak macam sedap gak kan? Hehe.

Tomorrow will be another hectic day. We will start with gym session at 7:00AM at KLCC. I will follow Faiz to KLCC and Carlos will drop us there. Esok Carlos dan Faiz ambik cuti sbb nak spend time dengan aku. Rozai pun ambik cuti sebenarnya and Agoy pun sama. Hehe. We will start the day dengan pergi ke Tg Malim apparently - nak makan Pau Yik Mun (anyway, despite reminder from Faris not to eat there, we will since Rozai is dying to have some paus. Faris was telling me that, it is not hygienic. Now that he is telling me - I ate there for a few times already... erk).

+ Sekadar gambar hiasan. Yik Mun ni duk kat Tg Malim, the same city (city ke?) yang empunya kepada Univ Pendidikan Sultan Idris serta Hicom (Proton)

OK what's after that Pau. Well I am not sure, but there are a few things like driving back to KL and Faiz wants to get some cloth for Baju Raya from Gulati's on Jalan Tunku Abd Rahman. That will be fun. I have not been there for ages. I am not sure whether I will be in the mood to shop for Kain Ela. I forgot to ask my mak dan abah whether diorang needs kain for baju kurung dan baju melayu. Well, I will decide for them tomorrow. That is my habit every year - I will get them some thematic kain for raya :) And they like it.

+ We will make tokey kain ini kaya esok, eh setakat beli 2-3 meter, kaya ke mereka. Kami bukan nak buat uniform ok!

I spoke to Stephen today - well, he is not feeling too well. He will go under the knife, wait, not for cosmetic purpose, but a procedure. I hope all will go well my dear friend. I spoke to Kodek, I will miss her of course. I did not get to say good by when she left for Melaka today at 2:00PM. She is awesome. Thanks for calling me Dek and spending some good money in the conversation we had. We are awesome people. Hehehehe. Anyway, I will miss you lot. Uh btw, Aidah sent me a text mentioning that she was on the wait to the airport to go back to the darkland. Hehehe. Aidah, soon I will feel the same, hopefully kita boleh berjumpa di bandar B tersebut kan! Anyway, let's hope for the best.

In the meantime, let me enjoy my holiday that is hectic so far with no minute to rest! :) Tu tak mention aku jatuh sakit sejak 18/03, tak tau sebab apa. Mungkin cuaca, mungkin apa ntah. Hmmmm... tapi byknya aku makan ubat yang power2. Sampai tak larat dah.


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