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"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Local entertainment industry in Malaysia is threatened?

To the uninitiated, from time to time, I like to send my views to the newspapers. It does not really matter whether it gets published or it makes its way into the bin - it is more of an exercise for me to do my bit and voice my opinions. The article below, I had something in mind to be composed upon reading some baseless preconceived ideas by Freddie Fernandez concerning the state government (in four states) formed by opposition coalition which, according to his belief, would skew towards alienating entertainment activities as seen in Kelantan, and make is close to impossible to develop arts and entertainment in Malaysia.

Dear Editor of The Star,

I tried to find the rationale behind the fear claimed by Karyawan President, Freddie Fernandez that the four states may follow Kelantan’s example in approaching the entertainment-related activities (The Star, 28 March 2008). I strongly feel that this is a baseless argument and the highlight of such fear in national newspaper is somewhat one’s loose opinion with lack of factual back-ups.

Yes, Kelantan may have enforced tighter rules on entertainment related activities. They have done this in accordance to the Islamic values they uphold in managing the state. However, the fact that they have lifted the ban 2 years ago on pop concert proves that matter can be handled without much prejudice – there are ways on how to work things out. If the geographical element is put into the argument, there were hardly concerts planned in a big scale with potential high commercial values in these new four states that are ruled by DAP-PKR-PAS coalition anyway. Unless, Karyawan plans to set one of these states as an entertainment hub in Malaysia, the argument is still baseless, too premature and does not hold water.

Take a look at Selangor, which is likely to host more entertainment activities compared to the rest of the four states – things are still going on as planned. For example, Akademi Fantasia concert, a big yearly entertainment activity once championed by Freddie Fernandez, it is still held in that state on weekly basis – it is going on according to plan. There is no immediate action to rule out such activity. This proves that the newly formed executives line-up in that state does not think of such measures to execute some ridiculous measures only to disturb what has been there.

At this early of new management, let’s not concentrate on what the potential weaknesses that may be experienced but entity like Karyawan must step up to the plate and try to work together. There are ways of working together – after all the local entertainment industry is not really one of the major industries that could garner huge returns that would in turn give back to the society. Instead, there is a need for the local entertainment industry to be re-dissected since as of late, it is associated with social ills such as mat rempit, use of recreational drugs etc. In addition to that, look at the substance of the local entertainment happenings – full of unnecessary gossips that not only unhealthily lame but it has created a society that accepts such behaviour or actions and demands more of the worthless news and gossips. Before we know it, this is the generation that Malaysia would depend on one day!

Karyawan as an entity that is close to the local entertainment industry must be smarter in echoing their thoughts and not to project any insecurity. After all, the industry is not an industry that has really put Malaysia on the world map – we have yet to consider this country as exporter of international talents. Hence, keep our feet close to the ground, clear all ill-thoughts and work together. There are still areas that can be worked on and Karyawan needs to polish its vision and understanding of matter at hand before uttering baseless preconceived allegations, only then, they can become a relevant entity to build the nation together.


Note: Some of the articles I have written and publised in the local newspaper before are;

1. The compuflaged role of computer centres in kampongs when they really attract young kids to waste money on playing games,
2. The unnecessary highlight of lelaki lembut in local universities who are deemed to be labeled as social ills and the real issue is to bring greater quality of education within the local context and to internationalise the standard
3. The lack of monitoring of education standard in Malaysia since the loose policies allow anyone and everyone to secure degrees which lead to current unfinished issue on too many graduates and no jobs,
4. How Tabung Haji mis-handled jemaah haji in Mekah and how this can be improved (based on my parents' experience when they went for their Haji,
5. Bogus universities - tendency among Malaysians to go through the easy way of getting PHD online etc.,
6. The entertainment reality tv shows in the Malaysian context where rakyat esp Malays do not realise we're creating a bubble and fast becoming a lazy and complecent society


At March 29, 2008 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and u call yourself as someone who doesn't have flair for writing, please! :) well written dude

At March 31, 2008 3:16 PM, Blogger zuL said...

Sorry, I dont know u. Well many people prentend to be someone else. So it is hard to tell whoever this is.


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