The end of my vacation in Malaysia - Entry #5
My holiday has come to the end – sad. What a holiday! If there is one word for me to describe it, it has to be, well, - satisfied. I am satisfied with many aspects of the holidays, be it the ones I planned or even certain circumstances that have taken place, which turned to be great in the end. There is no need for me to go into the details, but to some close friends - you know what I mean. To certain extent; it has somewhat improved me to be a calmer person. I managed to eat what I wanted to eat (so much so I gained weight)
I am catapulting the time now to share with you that I am at Doha International Airport (at least at the time this entry is composed), 8 hours after I said good by to mak, abah and all. I am not that impressed by this airport (how could they beat KL in hosting the Asian Games 2006 when the infrastructures are not as good). Matthias called me (about work, yes, work has started… *sigh*) and he said, “Kill your time by going shopping.” Yeah as if there are a lot to do here – to be duty free shopping is over-rated, the idea of believing that there’s so much value for money for every single items displayed there, would drive you to at least own something only to realize that you don’t really need it. As for Doha Airport, the shops - I can count the number of shops worth going for. All I thought about was to get some postcards since Itamar collects them. Anyway, I am not in the mood really. I think, I am better off killing the time surfing the net.
Yesterday, 30/03/2008 was the last day of my holiday and also the last day of me being in kampung. As always, I would put packing to the very last minute. The weather was really hot yesterday, I could not remember how many times I went to the bathroom to shower. For whatever reason, the rain didn't seem to be hitting the grounds. Finally, I borrowed by sister's car and off I went to get my hair cut. While I was in Kuala Pilah, it was like I was transported into teenage years and I recorded some photos – while I was in the barber shop for my haircut, some photos of the Kuala Pilah town itself, made way back back - detoured to Seri Menanti to check out the palace etc.

Finally, I am so ever grateful to be able to spend some quality time with family and friends. I spent great quality time with mak & abah in kampung. Not to mention to engage in business talks with my sisters and Abg Jeff - insya'Allah I pray that whatever you have in your mind will come to fruition eventually. Mak & abah - thanks for taking the trouble to ensure that I got everything that I wanted to eat, from the very night I arrived home till yesterday.
Faiz, Carlos, Agoy, Mak Wan, Kodek, Rozai - that was simply great time we had, no matter what we did. But a couple of things that are stuck in my mind - karaoke at E-Box and Tg Malim trip for the pau! Those were just beyond madness. And also, thanks for the Kancil :) Kodek, THANKS a lot - I can't thank you enough. You were there when I needed a friend most. Only the best of things I wish upon you! You deserve that. Not to forget - Shidah, Naz and Nazran or Nazritz (new nick based on the stuff that happened to him at Parkson KLCC!) *ops; I am sure we will meet again. We planned to do many things, insya'Allah some of those will be materialized. I can't wait to mechanise that lecture Shidah :) Also to Rozita, my dear friend, how very apt to have you at a point when I needed someone so bad. You always give me the best perspective of things - you would always be the best friend one could ever ask for. Azmi/Kak G, Rafi and family - it was great to have that mini reunion after those years.
OK now, I am back to killing these few hours before boarding my next flight from Doha. Arghh... I can predict the days ahead of me now - rather hectic. I will try my best to succumb to the requirement or hard work and to perform beyond expectation for the next few days so that I can be back in Dublin soon. I simply feel that I need to be back in Dublin.
God, grant me that wish.
** Continuation **
I arrived in Khartoum at 5:00 pm, local time. I called the driver and he said “Mr Matthias told me it is 6:40 pm” You know what. I could picture that Matthias had written 1640 hrs and he mistook it for 6:40 pm. Sometimes there was no use to argue and feel frustrated anymore. I felt numb. I was impressed, I could control myself, after 17 hrs of travelling and the driver made me wait for close to 2 hrs. But thank god there was Faris who called me and we talked about a few business ventures! I mean potential business ventures. He sounded serious. So was I.
I arrived at the apartment at quarter to 7:00 pm. I quickly changed and went jogging for 1/2 hr. That felt good. I want to shed off the extra kilograms (if there is any), but I feel that I need to pick up exercising again – to feel healthy. I jogged for 1/2, I guess that is a good start. Well it was not a good idea to jog. When I got home, I felt as if tonnes of sands are stuck in my throat. I think I inhaled them as I jogged. It was just dusty everywhere, and the temperature of 40C doesn't help!
Now it is quarter to 10 pm. I want to retire for the night already. I have not ironed my shirt for tomorrow. I will do it tomorrow morning. All I need now is to get some sleep. Enough sleep!