Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Note from Kenya

I have decided to Blog again (I left the Blog for some reason I could not comprehend). This time around I plan to be as honest as possible, only to me. I was not honest to myself then. If I can’t be honest to myself, I don’t even think I can be close to all you out there – my friends. I will try. God, please give me the strength to be doing the things that I want, and the things that keep me happy. And, bless me with guts to acquire more and more knowledge along this path that I have chosen and, longevity of this Blog!

22/04: Tonight – is the night before my trip to Masaai Mara to be with the animals. It is incomplete Kenyan experience if I weren’t visiting the infamous game parks. Kenya is so beautiful, I must say. The tea plantations on top of the high land called Limuru is superbly set, encapsulated with greeneries that make your stay too short no matter how many hours you spend there. At least that’s what happened to me. I would not associate that to Bali or something, this is different beauty altogether.

I never imagined in my entire life before that I could be standing in the wild close to a giraffe. What a beautiful animal. Here is one of the photos taken during my visit to Masai Mara safari, Kenya.

My work here in Kenya is for a mobile operator called ‘S’ which plans to rollout the network. So I am here again to identify the right mixed of 3G services for their end users. Again I am teamed up with Matthias my German colleague from Dubai. Don’t ask, the consultant is from all over the place and being placed all over locations. So we performed well for the project in Nigeria, and rumours has it that there was another Business Advisor wanted our ‘service’ in Nairobi. I guess we work well. We know when to joke and when to get serious about things. One thing we know best – to glue the light and heavy side of the assignment.

Dancing with the Masai Warriors. It is really about jumping. The higher you jump, the more girls you will end up with! Check the warrior on the right, he is up for a busy night, ay?

Since Jan this year, so many things have taken place. Wow, I can’t imagine how many countries I have been in and how many miles I have spent above the clouds making it to the new places where I was supposed to be to deliver some deliverables. Travelling can be a pain really, especially when you were put in the Economy :) I am not complaining but I am just amazed at myself. As I can remember it, it was dreadful experience to go to school when I was 7 years old. I could still remember that I hated to get up to go to the nearest canal for my early morning bath. Yes you read that correctly; there was no proper water supply when I was in Kg Talang, Tg Ipoh, N Sembilan. I hated school. I felt so left out, being the kid who did not have proper attire to go to school and not even a pair of good new shoes! Those were the days that shaped me to the person I am today! Well let’s save some days for that reminiscing OK!

Fire! Fire! Aku dengan orang2 Masai tengah memulakan api.

This is supposed to be a simple entry to announce that I am back to blog. I am not hoping for readers. Enough that I am counting my blessings when I look back – I am surrounded by emak, abah and my dear beloved family members and dear dear friends! Speaking about friends, it took that long to realise that there are some friends who are real true to you and some who are just hanging in there regarding you are barometer for success and wishing that you are not moving on. What a colourful life that I am living. It is just the beginning I think. Let this blog be again my sanctuary to share, let be the mirror to reflect my images and thoughts and more importantly rendezvous for me and you; for we hardly meet these days!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Lepaslah rindu aku untuk mem-blog

Assalamualaikum wrt semua, dan salam sejahtera...

Well guys, there is undying need in me that urges me to blog again. I miss this place. I have been busy. There are some stories why I stopped blogging and now I am keeping this blog as personal as possible. The fact that I do lotsa travelling these days, it did prompt me to start blogging again. Well here it is.

I went to a dear friend's place for a long break -- up north in the UK and then we travelled down to London for a few days. It was good to be back in London. Well, the reason why I mentioned him; he introduced me to this new song by Kaer - Izinku Pergi. I was immediately attached to it and here is the song. For whatever reason, it reminded me of Rio Febrian the Indonesian singer and I used to like his songs a lot too.

So to the uninitiated, I present Kaer...

I will take my time to upadte. I have so much to tell and share. Some of them;

- I left Malaysia (yes, I know it is utter madness)
- I moved on to new job
- I moved on to live in a new country - superb
- I travelled to a number of places
- My trip to Lagos, Nigeria
- My upcoming trip to Nairobi, Kenya
- lots more.

To all my family members and my friends, I miss all of you lot! I am certain we will meet each other again real soon. Doakan aku sejahtera!