Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Lepaslah rindu aku untuk mem-blog

Assalamualaikum wrt semua, dan salam sejahtera...

Well guys, there is undying need in me that urges me to blog again. I miss this place. I have been busy. There are some stories why I stopped blogging and now I am keeping this blog as personal as possible. The fact that I do lotsa travelling these days, it did prompt me to start blogging again. Well here it is.

I went to a dear friend's place for a long break -- up north in the UK and then we travelled down to London for a few days. It was good to be back in London. Well, the reason why I mentioned him; he introduced me to this new song by Kaer - Izinku Pergi. I was immediately attached to it and here is the song. For whatever reason, it reminded me of Rio Febrian the Indonesian singer and I used to like his songs a lot too.

So to the uninitiated, I present Kaer...

I will take my time to upadte. I have so much to tell and share. Some of them;

- I left Malaysia (yes, I know it is utter madness)
- I moved on to new job
- I moved on to live in a new country - superb
- I travelled to a number of places
- My trip to Lagos, Nigeria
- My upcoming trip to Nairobi, Kenya
- lots more.

To all my family members and my friends, I miss all of you lot! I am certain we will meet each other again real soon. Doakan aku sejahtera!


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