Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Let's talk business

It has been a long time since the last update of this blog. I do not even know, whether I should feel bad, guilty or indifferent (James, sorry I won’t be able to post your entry over here. It is rather, how shall I say this, inappropriate!).

Well, I have reasons for not being able to update this blog anyway. It has been hectic as of late. We just finished the fasting month and that was followed by Eid. That alone, was good enough a reason to be busy and preoccupied. During fasting month, there were a number of outings with friends from office, alumni of the scholarship and also friends from University. Well, that is that. As for Eid, I still need to attend an open-house of a friend who had just opened an art-school for kids in Ampang. What can be a better way of doing it; it is going to be at the art centre where people can mingle and that is the best to introduce the business to all.

Speaking of business, I did try to venture into a business with a friend. It was selling the artificial-but-look-so-real orchids. Well, it did not take off well (read: it did not take off at all). They are fabulous looking products and even the fellow competitors admitted that they do not deserve to be sold at "flea market", they should be in malls somewhere. That was the avenue we chose to be the first platform for them to be seen in the market. It did not do well, I must admit.

Despite my hesitance to sell them in the middle of the month, when people hardly have money to spend, the orchids went ahead to meet their potential buyers in that specific period of the month. The result? – None got sold. Sometimes we need to observe and be backed by business acumen to ensure success of business. That is done deal and I do not see pursuing any discussion over the results of the attempt. In some situations, it is best left like that. Uh by the way, in business too, when we have agreed on something, we need to stick to it or bring it up to be amended at any possible avenue. Things like "price" for example. Once we agree on a price scheme, as stakeholders we stick to it (of coruse we need to back our number-crunching with facts of course). But crux of the matter - consensus!

Whatever happens to the orchids? They are still there with my friend. We were supposed to split them into two. They are nice things. I would want to own some of them and use them as gifts for friends or family. I do not really see that’s coming. I’d better not talk about the reasons over here. I guess they are best left with my friend; after all he had transported them to his new place. Deep down, I would want to give them away as presents to friends and family (at this point, I am saying to myself "Wake up, it is a done deal"). Well it was really good lesson. I managed to learn so many things, not entirely about business since I had poured what there is in me to ensure the success of the business, but there are many aspects I did not know about certain thing, this venture had opened up those. Well I am grateful about that.

Still something on business – currently, I am helping out a friend that I got to know via a friend from Cambridge days. He is a great painter. He has painted a few great paintings and occasionally he receives requests to do portraits. He is not happy the way he approaches things as he wants to do more with his skills and paintings. I will come in to develop business plan and also portfolio development for him to target at niche markets and individuals (premium individuals that is...). He is all excited and he has agreed to offer me certain percentage (cut) out of all his sales. I am not counting the chickens just yet, just by looking at the eggs. The most important for now, is to get him into the market with his "great" products and we take it from there.

There is one hope, and I need to be aware that I will not be taken advantage of this time around!


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