Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Graduation Day - 22 July 2006

The event went on smoothly despite the weather forecast of rains and thunderstorm. Well it did take place, I mean the rain but I reckon it was good that the rain joined in since it was too hot a few days before. Wearing the hood, gown, suit, bow tie and all, would not be a pleasure in 37C day or something.

I was glad I was a part of the ceremony, I would regret it if I did not. The whole thing was done with lotsa traditional protocols observed. Started off with reception for drinks and mingling about. I was with my parents and my friend Luke. He was the photographer of the day really. Before lunch, the Pra-Elector described to us what was going to happen in the Senate House.

After lunch, procession took place. It was indeed an experience on its own. We were 'paraded' and we walked for good 15 mins to the Senate House where people were taking photos on the roadside and cheering with words of congratulations. Well, it was fun. But felt cheap. :) Yeah it is rare to see processions since it only happen a few times in the year and June/July are the peak months where grand congregations take place. In Cambridge, you can choose when to graduate (if you do not declare absent). Like the friend next to me, Steve, he has been away for 15 years and appeared yesterday to receive that in person.

In the Senate House, we took turn in 4 to approach the vice chancellor (VC). Before that, the Pra-elector would stick out his 4 fingers of his right hand and we choose (hold) one finger each and the moment we are released we approach the VC who is seated and we kneel on the stool and put our hands together and he would bless and confer us the degree in Latin by putting his hands around our hands. It was all handled in Latin, and all I could do was to smile! (Except I made a point for him not to mention the 'trinity' 'holy spirit' etc). I hope the photos would turn out good.

Then we walked around to take photos. Met some friends from my course (since I graduated through College, I was the only one from the course). There are bound to be more people of the same course had I been to a graduate college. I did not go to graduate college simply because, I thought, it'd be fun to be surrounded by undergrads as well (was I right? haha). Anyway, I am glad I have already achieved what I wanted to achieve all this while.

This was one of my ambition that I had planted in my head long time ago, it was like a dream to realise that I have realised it (Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah SWT, He knows how much I 'had to go through' throughout the process of completing this Masters). People ask, whether a PhD would be next. I do not really see that coming, at least not now (although I was interested in a subject/area that was offered by MIT in States). Till then folks, thanks again to all who have contributed directly and indirectly towards this fulfilment - family and friends!


At July 24, 2006 5:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At July 24, 2006 5:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulation-lahhhh....so, berbaloi lah kan...meninggalkan Malaysia...beribu2 batu travelled pergi ke UK...yg bandarnya besar2kannn.....

At July 24, 2006 9:24 PM, Blogger zuL said...

O, sekarang aku kat London (till Wed). Bawak mak ayah aku jalan2. U know what, we should be in London, and do gallery-hopping. Hehehe. Hey thanks for the wish. Yes, it was all berbaloi. :) Sedih pun ada :( It is all over now. But besides the degree, sbb dpt bawak mak abah tu yg paling bermakna. BTW, tadi pergi area Southbank tu, ternampak bangunan tempat ko selalu pergi utk masyuarah itu, then pergi area Whitehall where kita duduk (more like aku menumpang hotel grand ko tu), teringat saat2 indah kita kat London kan? Best kan? I am sure we will be having some fun again in this city in the future... fingers x'ed! I am based in Bayswater now. For a few days... Will head back to Camb on Wed nite after sending them off at Heathrow... Weather has been pleasant!

At July 25, 2006 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

good to know that all is well...life is just a lil crazy around here. waktu2 the kids are back ni lah kerja bertimbun2 with deadlines after deadlines. but then again, if kerja tak berlambak tak merasalah ke London plak kannn...yes, wonderful time there last time and hope can visit again soon. am going to East M'sia tomorrow morning and shall be back Thurs nite, and malam yg sama my regular guest will visit till Mon. then aku cuti the whole of next week and shall take the kids to stay at Colmar. they hv been asking about you again! hv a good time showing your parents around!


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