Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The 5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers

Wed, 5th July 2006 - What a day today! Not in a positive way really. I was anxious this morning when I had to wait endlessly for a phone call. To me; this is indeed a very important call. Well, the guy called me last Friday, despite me telling him that Friday was not good to talk as I was in the train and all that. He called and I was not in position to talk. So he said, OK I will call you when I am in Madrid next Wed. So, Wed is the day. But he did not call. What on earth is this? I seriously hate this kind of thing. Waiting is not really my forte.

Note: Should I start doing this, sitting infront of the cam for 3-4 mins and start reporting how crap my day has been! I am seriously contemplating! It'll save time writing, for sure. I have a 2nd thought, perhaps a cute face would help. Hmmm... KIV the idea.

Then while having dinner with Luke, the shipping company called me and the voice said "OK I will be there at 10.00" So, assuming that this is coupled with the email I got earlier, they would be here on a Thursday, it was reasonable to assume that they would arrive at 10.00 AM tomorrow. But NO, it has to be something SILLY, real SILLY. I got another call, "We are here already, on Sydney St. Where is your place?" I did not remember the voice uttering words within the region of "Hey I am on my way" or "I will be there in an hour"! Goodness! Can't people think straight anymore? What choice do I have? So I had to go to my friend's place on Sydney St to pick up my boxes, so I had to drag the three heaving oversize boxes for close to 20 mins to my room.

Oh before that, I was surprised to receive the final invoice of my college to me. It states, Room Rent for July 2006 GBP320 and Broken Door Cost; GBP64. What the...? I told them I was locked out because the latch was not working properly. They asked the locksmith to come to fix it and I have to bear the cost now? Of course, over my dead body! I will not pay a dime, honey. I wrote to my tutor, explaining that I will not pay and the college must bear the charge. After all, do not tell me, this is regular thing that a student has to go through and being charged for. Silly! Let's wait, what my tutor has to say on this. I remember my nurse used to say to me; "This college is not entirely rich like Trinity, but, they are not poor either". So they have the money, but, they are just stingy lot!

In a nutshell, today is not a good day for me. Out of the mounting frustrations, I took a Quiz on "The 5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers". Well, to determine whether you have potential and all those craps. Here's my outcome: (something aimless that I did just to kill the time, before I head to bed).

Ais Kerim Goreng's Quiz Results
Your total score is: 57 points, High Potential

Your quiz score is consistent with a professional with High Potential.

Your score indicates a professional with promise. You have demonstrated career knowledge, and have put some of the knowledge into practice. Quite likely, you have experienced a good deal of success and your star is rising. With a dose of additional information on the patterns of extraordinary success, and the motivation to put these principles into practice, you may be well on your way to a career that is extraordinary.


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