Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Monday, May 29, 2006

Room with a View

I used to hate this room when I first moved in. But not anymore, yeah I know, I grew to like it over the past 9 months. How can I forget when this is the room where I faced hard times of getting ideas for essays, entertaining friends on MSN chatting away how we hate to be treated like machines and to chat with my housemate in front of the PC albeit the fact we live under the same old roof of this 1800'th centruy house.

My room is located infront of a church, OLEM (you can see it in the vid). And there is St Alban's Primary school (I spoke to someone today, it is half-term now, no wonder I do not hear kids making noise).

I took this video, as I was so desperate to get out of the room and then, the weather has been nasty. I can't be bothered to buy a brolly no more, since it is May and the weather's supposed to improve now. Anyway, that is that. You can see in the vid there were few boys waiting for a bus. I normally get all the noises from the street; people shouting, the drunks, the mads, the students, the kids. You name them.

But I still like this room. I am off to the Chinese shop to get my dinner soon, it is right at the corner, the same row as this house I live in. :)

I really reckon that I should take the advice of my friend 'O" (not Oprah yeah! but something to that effect), to pursue this blog seriously. It can be an 'escape' from the world I live in. Uh my friend is in The Hague now, having a meeting. We had a good chat about stuff just now. I may not care what people may think anymore, this is it. I will update things here. All in videos. I do hope it won't burst bandwidth requirement for I know TM Net is struggling to keep to the promises of giving us that 1Mb. Uh well, so much for the Vision 2020 right? I am not bashing for nothing, but hey, wake up and smell the getah-sekrap. Well, I will be writing something serious soon I think. Let's see.


At June 04, 2006 7:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well...! It seems that when I encouraged you to do the blog. I dint realize that the update would be every hour!! (yahoo audibles: fat woman laughing). Anyway, I know the feeling - it can be particularly therapuetic in times of loneliness. Yup, Pia Zadora in Lonely Lady! Keep it up, pussycat!


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