Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Monday, May 29, 2006

Trip to Brussels

This is my first post at this newly-created blog as on 29th May 2006. Anyway, this is an attempt to help a friend on how to embed a video on a blog or site. And I am so positive this is kinda successful. Let's see to it. This video was taken when I was in Brussels, like early May 2006. It was not too bad a trip I must say.

This is not of a high-quality video feed, but it is good to get the ball rolling - like having video-driven blog. Like the saying goes, picture worths a thousand words yeah, so now, video worths billions of bytes (ohhhh, nerd!). Well take a look. This is a simple step. I will try to download some crappy editing "machine" from web and then, I will put a title to it.

Video in Brussels

While I am at this, I might as well update something, I mean what I have been up to. God, my supervisor sent back some feedback concerning my thesis (1st draft). And it is ok I think, he was kinda brutal in saying that my thesis has gone far beyond acceptable limits and they are being calculative towards the word-limit. Goodness. Whatever that is, I know I will work my butt off from 30th May - 5th June. Wish me luck people.


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