Camden Town, London

It has been a while since last entry. Today (errr... Sun, 16/07), again I found myself on Oxford St., London at unearthly hour of 11.00 am (unearthly equates to my incomprehension of shops are still shut at this hour). I was supposed to meet some people who'd helped me realising my thesis. Since I was early and I was hungry (not necessarily in that order), I settled for English Tea and Muffins at Selfridge's Cafe. The tea was nice indeed. There were not too many people at that hour. It was heaven to be on my own and enjoying the tea and look at things on sale (which I could still not afford, LOL).

Met Mr. K (and his wife) at The Hog and Pounds Pub at 1.00 Noon. After a 2.5-hr talk, mainly about content industry. It was not so bad to finally meet the person who I interviewed earlier. He was so into the stuff and kept mentioning what's going on in the industry back home. At 3 PM, I left for Camden Town.

The last time I was in Camden Town was in year 2000. It was good to lose myself in the manic crowd who were after all sorta things. It is really colourful indeed. I found that there were many more stalls now selling all sort of stuff, you just name it. I found this really nice shop selling frames and nice antique English style mirrors. When I was browsing the mirrors and frames, there were these 2 ladies who already decided on a large mirror and decided to purchase it. I guess a message sent to me (subliminally) - money was not an issue for these 2 people.
Anyway, I left the place after I felt sidelined, simply because I spent 3 hours decidind on £3.00 and the ladies spent £300.00 in split secs. So there was not much use attending to me right. Well, I am OK. I like to have my moment before spending my hard-earned £3.00. I was lost among the stalls and the noisy Vietnamese voices screaming to get the attenion of people to buy their Vietnamese food. It was pleasant experience. Until, I found this secluded second-hand antique shops.

There were many Edwardian furnitures and fittings, and also old maps (they are damn expensive to begin with - why are they expensive when they were all stolen items!) and some architectural prints. I bought some with Cambridge motifs - those of Peterhouse and Clare College. They are not that bad. I stayed in there for hours (I was the last person to leave). By 6:30 pm, I left Camden Town.
I hate London during the weekends when there are numerous engineering works taking place and some TUBE lines do not work! But I was glad to be reaching King's Cross by 7:00 pm only to learn that the train was leaving at 7:15 pm. Phewwww... I got a seat and quite a number of people had to stand all the way to Cambridge - lalalalalaaa!!!
it looks like we hv been bz! betullah...balik2 Mawi...bosan lah...doesnt anyone feel intelectually challenged when a discussion nowadays seems to center around these people? one can talk about it but tak yahlah macam penting sangat kan....kosers lah
Betul, memang bosang kan? Sekarang CT pulak announcing nak kawin dengan duda tu. I think the son should stick to calling her kakak as a reminder to the father. I heard the PC was out of control since CT was attacked dengan soalan-soalan panas. Well, sampai bilo la kito nak cam ni kan wok kan? Seriously, when I was in Camden, I was thinking "Bestnya kalau O ada, sesama merakusi kawasan Camden Town ini". Pasrah.
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