In memory of Jimmy (2003-2011)
Jimmy died close to a week ago due to "old age", whatever that means. Jimmy does not live with me. He is back at my parents' house and not with me but to me, I regard him as "my pet" rather than anyone else's.
I got to know about the sad news today. In short - my heart sunk when I got the text from my sister. I can't really jot things down here, it is too overwhemingly sad really.
I had to take myself for a drive to calm myself down. I am not ashamed to admit I was in tears. Even up to now when I am penning this down, my eyes hurt due to amount of weeping I guess. Well, I can't write anymore. One day, I will dedicate an entry for Jimmy.
Jimmy - thanks for the lovely 8 years you have given me. Your memory lives on. You will be deeply missed.