Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Monday, October 19, 2009

How much I prefer somewhere else

I do not know what to write really. It has been a while. It has been hectic. It has been an affair of fun and letting people down. I am back for a bit. I am still on my holiday mood. I mean extended holiday mood. Yeah I am back for a bit. Goodness me, although I have so much time at hand, it is still not enough.

I have been spending a bit of time in KL and I just realised the city is no longer the city I used to enjoy. The roads are congested, the air is polluted, the strata dynamics is no longer the one I was familiar with, the activities are becoming mundane... bla bla bla... There is nothing wrong with the city... it is the wave it is going through.

I miss my weekend in Dublin. When I hit Wed I can smell Saturday and Sunday already. I am so content with the not so mundane yet enjoyable time span called weekend. I look forward to the sports in the weekend, meeting up with friends for movie etc. Perhaps I can do that too in KL. Perhaps most of my friends are at work, that is why. I do not know. And how I wish, I see all friends at the same time, rather than having to make appointments separately. It is tiring really.

OK folks, this is my direction-less utterance of latest observation of how myself reacting towards the surrounding. I will write more. (hopefully). I am dashing off to KLCC and then bring my architect to the house for advice on design, structure and cost of the ever-so-controversial property! Arghhhh....