I am simply amazed at how obstacles can make one stronger! That really applies to me now. Work is so challenging. I have been presented with many new faces, and they all come in some bizarrely similar package - they are annoying, and they are morons with attitude.
+ Gambar hiasan
Sometimes I simply don't understand people. In fact most of the times. I do not understand one behaves the way one behaves - esp. when it comes to negative trait of being arrogance. To me, arrogance is just an act of someone who has unbearably a lot of flaws and weaknesses to cover. That is why I love the Islamic and Malay teaching. Ad-Din teaches us to be moderate in our doings, and never to feel superior, and not to be arrogant no matter what! And, there is also Malay saying that goes "Ikut rasmi padi, makin berisi makin tunduk". I simply love that.
How is that paragraph related to what I face today, you may say? Well it is really... It is about people. So far, in timeframe of roughly a month - three people have shone their true colours. One is supposed to be a person that I call a colleague. Two are from the same co, but from the local office. Three of them, collectively have driven me insane. Anyway, thank God, there are friends around me who I can simply share with, although most of the time I don't make sense myself. They understand or at least listens to the stuff I have got to share. Thanks Faris & Luke!
+ Did I just see you in the meeting room just now? You are so PINK, go and get some tan in Majorca, will ya? And, get a toothbrush too...
I do not know, how far I can stand this. So far, I have gone beyond my limit. I hate to be rude. I hate to be harsh. I can be a pain really. I can simply put people down with words. I can be the nastiest person if I want to. Then again, anyone can. Some people will just go ahead and do it, certain quarters simply think 34,872,900 times before doing so - I am the latter! So I will not do that, for I know myself best - I will regret it later. So I will not do it at all.
So I resort to working smart, without playing (or even acknowledging) the politics (read: Some pathetic losers who amplify their stupidity by TRYING hard to appear to be smart!). Thank God I have understanding boss who's always ready to listen to my grunts - I have had numerous times of meetings with him where I one day told him "I am not upskilling myself here, except from the perspective of managing politics, which I don't see myself of being an expert of!" So there you go. Most of the time, my superior will get it from me. He would say something back to me "I understand Zul". Ah, that is enough.
I guess, I'd better dash off now. Another late evening at work for me and my tummy is growling. It is close to 8.00PM now (I left the office at 10.30PM last night!), I need to head off to Tesco and buy whatever ready meals there are to buy! Again, I am so damn tired to think about food. This is not good. But you what I do to motivate myself now - wearing nice shirts, really nice shirts to go to office. Today I am wearing Thomas Pink's pinkish bluish checkered shirt. Fab!