Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Friday, April 04, 2008

Linear equation; £130 an hr equals to £1,040 daily salary!*

+ Sufiah with her sister and dad. Source: UK Telegraph


Much has been talked about - about the genius Sufiah, who attended Oxford in her teens. And now she is a hooker with rate of £130 per hr. I am sick of receiving emails about her, majority of the emails were from fellow Malaysians who think we can do so much to save her. What sickens me, how Malays are still Malays; we like to bury our nose in others' affairs and blow things out of proportion - i.e. we have lost balance in terms evaluating there are many more serious things that are going on in our Malaysia, that deserve greater attention. Here is an email I sent to a number of people who have sent me similar emails - Sufiah - genius - Oxford - now high class hooker - Islam - save her - Malaysian bla bla bla...

The Email:


I have been getting similar emails of same nature, it got me to think to write - I guess let's take a look at our own backyard before flying out thousands of miles away to check out what Sufiah is up to (I was close to vomitting when someone in Malaysia was capitalising this, and having the idea of sending aid to bring her back to the path of truth).

This is typical Malaysia, I remember that Malaysian govt was so gung-ho to give her scholarship (was it Sime Darby who stepped forward?) for her to attend Oxford at one time and this is hit-on-the-head for Malaysia a country who likes to ride on people who are remotely Malaysian, as long as they can capitalise on it e.g. the Datukship for Michelle Yeoh when she made it to Hollywood, in actuality, Michelle Yeoh would not think that she would attribute her success to Malaysia.

Sufiah's case is a remote and isolated case - it is a shame she has turned out to be this way. As it is right now, there are hundreds of Malay/Muslim girls who hailed from from kampung or non-kampungs who work as GROs, prostitutes, concubines etc, in our own lawn. So, shall we save these first before checking out what's the deal with Sufiah - who is a Brit! We have enough on our plate in Malaysia - people who convert to embrace other religions, mat rempits who believe in black-metal, babies out of wedlock and we have the guts to concentrate on Sufiah? Think about the logics.

As for Sufiah, what she is doing is self-destruction to oppose what the parents have done to her for all these years. I know some cases, even in Malaysia (even one of them has got a scholarship from a private co in Malaysia to attend univ in USA at the age of 16, she is not that genius but she managed to do A Levels/SAT at 16 since she did not follow Malaysian educational system). Going back to the case - the case of kids being pressured by parents to study like everyone MUST attend Harvard, Oxford, Yale, Cambridge to name a few, so much so they are robbed off their childhood at an early stage.

The mechanics behind this - parents stress them to beyond maximum limit they can take, naturally they will do well since child's brains is like sponge, and surely they will absorb and excel. So this is a lesson learnt for parents in parenting and to be cautious to be in the race for tuitions, endless expectations etc. so much so, kids will grow up, looking back, they have zero to reflect on their childhood!

So, that is my 2-cent worth. And as Muslim, yes I am disheartened by what has happened to Sufiah (may she find her ways back), but more importantly our plates are overflowing with serious social issues already and get things into perspective before blowing things out of proportion.


* Come to think of it, had she chosen to use her IQ to secure a job at an investment bank or so, I am not sure whether she can bag that £20,000 a month! Hmmm, I wonder! BTW, this calculation is based on the assumptions; there are 4 weeks in a month, she works 8 hrs a day, she manages to get 8 men in a day, no break between hours, she decides to take weekend off for Sudoku perhaps, she applies the same technique with all men (since doing extra tricks will only magnify the income potential :), and of course the income is non-taxable!). *End*


At April 04, 2008 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehehehe..brilliant..i love this entry very much.

At April 05, 2008 12:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At April 05, 2008 7:55 PM, Blogger zuL said...

Who is this please? Ahaks :)

At April 05, 2008 9:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

aku suka entry ni. aku dah baca kat utusan malaysia, dan banyak lagi online websites kutuk dia orang yang gila nak ajak Sufia balik malaysia


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