Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Friday, August 15, 2008

When the confusion hits

+ Nice full moon tonight - at Dun Laoghaire Pier. The day is getting shorter now. I was gaxing to the sky - it's marvellous. It was serene, being able to sit on the bench and let my mind wander.

I do not know what to call this entry. After work today, I headed to the city - Liam and Paul wanted to treat me at Bocca, for my birthday. It was nice to see Liam again, and of course Paul. Paul and Liam gave me cards. I specifically told Paul that I do not want any celebration.

+ Another nice one

After the dinner, I took a cab home. I sent texts to them - thanking them for their effort to organise the dinner etc. Liam wrote back to me; "There is an old Irish saying; a man's true worth is in the value of his friends. I count myelf rich to have you as a friend!" How sweet is that? He is so nice. He is busy shooting for the new season of The Tudors now, and I will make a point to meet him more often after this.

+ Another nice one

When I got to Dun Laoghaire, I decided to stop bye at the Pier. I could still picture Luke and Zul striking poses by the old canon. Anyway, the reason why I was there; I felt that I am blanketed with confusion with so many things are happening in my life now. I will not pour it all out in here. I have to keep some of them close to my chest - for they are too personal. It is not an issue or problem that I am facing, it is more of frustration in moving ahead in life. I must admit, life can't get any kinder than what I feel now.

+ Another nice one

There I was, by the peer witnessed by cluster of rocks gazing out to the endless sea, watching the shrinking ferry to Holyhead slowly being swallowed into the horizon. I was there to come to terms with what's borthering me (to which I did not get any answer), I prayed hard that I would find a solution to my dilemma. There are way too many things in my mind now - to be honest, they do affect me.

Note: I have yet to update these 2 entries; (1) Trip to London to help Rozai with her booth at Malaysia Fest, Tower Bridge, (2) Luke's and Zul's trip to Dublin. And, today 14th Aug a friend of mine was assaulted by her own cousin and I had to take her to Garda station to lodge a report. Pity her.


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