Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Friday, August 15, 2008

Off to Donegal for the weekend

[In the taxi again, on the way to work... late... and updating blog...]

I am off to Donegal with some mates over the weekend. I think I will have another entry to add to the blog. Unlike Luke, I am not so fast in updating my blog. I have not updated about his trip to Dublin etc.

There will be 6 of us - Itamar, Paul, Liam, Lucas, Lucas's bro and myself. It will be a lot of fun. Itamar was nice enough to organise everything - booked the hotel, rented the car, setting out the itinerary. He wants to check Donegal out before he leaves and it happens that there is art festival going on this weekend. I will just tag along, drive a bit and try to relax. So many things have taken place lately, and are still taking place. I need to distance myself from it all and try to get a bit of perspective.

Here is a map of Ireland, showing where Donegal is and the kind of countryside/beach it offers. I will try to give an update later on.

+ Isn't this magical? :) I can't wait.

+ Letterkenny - the place where we'll spend the night in (i.e. tomorrow night)

*Have a nice weekend everyone*


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