Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mt Cameroon - unveiled

Finally, the majestic Mount Cameroon appeared, right after I was done with the workshop at Le Meridien. I got back to hotel and I was so tired, and then I was thinking - wait a sec, I might as well take a look in case the clouds moved to unveil this shy mountain. YES, there it was!

I do not know, there is something about this mountain that attracts me. Apparently there are more things going on in the area of the mountain. One of the participants is from a village, 200M up the mountain. I can't imagine when the mountain erupted in 1999, and what happened to his family and all.

Someone was telling we that we can eat cheap seafoods at the foot of the mountain. Apparently, there is a river that's full of large shrimps (after all, the name Cameroon is derived from French words that bring the meaning of 'River of Shrimps', there you go). This is serious. I gawked in awe - I wish I can go there. I do not really mind doing a project here, really. The people are nice, there things to do, the client is fine. The only prob was the key account manager over here. Well I will not dwell into that.

OK I will leave you guys with the pics of Mt Cameroon.

+ Very nice, it is like monster!

+ Another one!

+ I took one with my cameraphone, yes I am that KIASU, although I am not in Kiasu-land

+ The flower that I have never seen before, it is really nice and huge!

+ I am still interested in the flower really but in the background - Bo, on the right. He is the other fellow consultant that delivered the workshop with me - we'll be travelling to Paris tonight. I talked to him about coming back and deliver the whole project. Hehe


At May 27, 2008 8:48 AM, Blogger my0place said...

Babe....mcm bunga kantan terlebih baja je!!! Hahahahah.......tapi lawa lah.

At May 29, 2008 9:46 AM, Blogger zuL said...

well, teringat pulak kepada laksa! Hmmm sedap!

At May 30, 2008 6:59 PM, Blogger LUKE said...

bunga kantan. bukan bunga kak sri siantan ek...

jom laksa-ing........ laksa penang kegemaran kiew!

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