Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Monday, February 02, 2009

Snow in Dun Laoghaire

It snows rather heavily today. That explains the cold cold night I had last night (that led me to stay in rather than at the cinema watching Kate Winslet and Leonardo in Revolutionary Road!).

I love snow, especially when it settles on the ground to give that piercing white coat right after. But I just do not like the idea walking on the icy pavement and how muddy it can get after hundreds or thousands of people have stepped on it. I remember, when I was at The Leys many years ago, I tripped outside the Bursary office after checking out my snail mails before heading out for my X'mas holiday in London - simply because those three little steps were all icy and slippery.

+ The park in front of my flat. The kids are trying to build snowman I guess, but wait, we need a lot more than that!

Today I was close to tripping when I did not realise the steps outside my flat are all icy. I do not plan to wear snow-boots to office. I know it has better grip all that. But I do not have them! They are ugly. I will not wear them. Carlos once told me, "You can't have both Zul - style or practicality. If you choose that one, you will freeze your balls out!" He was commenting on my predicament on choosing Zara Winter Coat once at KLCC, whether the stylish or the one that is great and warm, but sending signals that I live in hospice.

+ Another view on the way to work this morning. It was fast approaching 10.00 AM and I was there snapping away, haha

Anyway, as I am writing this entry - the snow is falling heavily outside. But I am all warm in here. Not too bad. Sometimes it is hard to understand, this country is surrounded by sea. Chances are that impacts the likelihood for snow. However, that is proven otherwise today. I am so waiting for someone to build that one ugly snowman today. I hope there is one to keep me amused.


At February 03, 2009 3:23 PM, Blogger Fina Roslan said...

salam zul..
yesterday we were having fun here..:)n as u said, hari ni jalan licin and becak..yuckkkk!!hehe

At February 03, 2009 11:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salam Fina Roslan,

Good to hear that, you had fun. Where is 'here'? I hope all is well with you.



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