Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Adi Putra oh Adi Putra

I just finished watching a documentary on Channel 4 - about looking for world's smartest kids. The host travels the world to meet Adora Svitak in US, Adi Putra in Malaysia and Ainan Celeste Cawley in Singapore. What triggers me to write here is about Adi Putra. How larger than life he is in terms of the claim on his mathematical prowess.

+ Adi, with much pride, showing off his certs [Source of photo: nizaworld.wordpress.com]

The host goes to meet Adi's "agent", yeah you heard me right. He has an agent. Someone by the name of Prof Fakharuddin of UTM (I am sorry, if I've got the name wrong, but that is secondary). Upon triggered, Prof says "Perhaps Adi is the smartest kid in the world. I think he is!" He goes on to add "He can speak 8 languages; French, German'S', American English, British English, Singapore English" I am gobsmacked. Not only the number doesn't match (is it 6 or 8, Prof?), there is such a thing like a language called Singapore English? That is making complete fool of oneself, let alone it is spurted from a Professor! Oh by the way, the Professor tells the host that Adi has 6th sense. Yes this is getting too interesting to handle.

The host goes on to meet Adi Putra. His "office" is located at one of the shoplots. He has a huge room - imagine a boss's room in one of the Malay dramas. That huge. It helps if you imagine Jalaludin Hassan or Aziz Singah, in suit, as a CEO. So there is so much to be unearthed from this 9-year old.

+ I am sure the Professor is also THE image consultant for Adi Putra. Ouch, it is must be hurting to wear the suit - yes it is damn hot and humid. My advice - go for something like light cotton... or better still, go for something that is... err more for kids! [Source of photo: The Star Online]

Adi shows some mathematical magics on the board, with of course the Professor or the agent in the background. Yes, I can tell his prowess on mathematics. Not bad at all. I am very impressed. Oh by the way, amidst the claim that he can speak three versions of English, Adi Putra doesn't manage to speak English fluently, which leads the program to conclude that the language barrier makes it hard to get a lot out of him. He can speak English alright, but the claim of knowing various versions of English is a bit too much to chew!

Did I tell you that Adi formulates, endorses and promotes brain-food in the form of tablets. Yes you heard me right again! One bottle is blue in colour, and the other one is red. When asked, he says; One is for left brains and the other one is for right brains. OK now, shoot me in the head now, shoot me. I do not deserve to breathe anymore! I am out of breath looking at the host trying hard to digest all these bizarre outflow of idiotic information. Every single word that comes out smells stupidity to the highest degree!

Yes about the tablets or pills. The host goes on to ask "How did you come about to sell these brain foods or tablets. How did you get the idea?" Adi replies "I have a dream AT the middle of night you know, and the next morning I tell my parents to sell the pills", the use of English is intentional, that is how Adi speaks. If you are not flat on the floor now, get someone to stab you 20 times till you fall flat on your face, with blood of course! At this very juncture, I can tell that the host thinks "I have just wasted hundreds of pounds to get here to interview a loonie!"

Finally, picking up from a point by Professor in earlier part of the interview, the host goes on to ask Adi Putra about his 6th sense. Yes again, do expect something really stupid from him. Well the host asks "You have 6th sense, I was informed. What can you tell about the future? Can you tell me what will happen in the stock market?" Adi keeps quiet. Well I am not sure whether stock market is in his vocabulary of 8 languages. And the host rephrases "Can you predict what will happen in the future?"

To which, after hesitating pause, Adi replies "We will die!" (Yes Adi I have news for you - if you keep on giving this kind of response to people, I bet the whole world population would die in shock - upon discovering your overstated intelligence! Don't you dare to do double-act with that Professor - that will bring back the dead!)

The rest, I will leave it to your interpretation to deduce whether this kid really is intelligent or there are irresponsible parties around him manipulating him as marketing vehicle to make money out of his so-called intelligence.

+ The other two kids that are interviewed in the program. I think Adora is scarily intelligent. She seems like an adult who's trapped in 10-year old body. To Ainan, don't worry if you do not make it to the world of intellect, just cross the Tambak Johor, and Yusof Haslam or David Teoh is so ready for a leading part in I-love-you-but-your-rich-family-doesn't-like-me-therefore-I-will-settle-for-some-kampong-chick-instead-but-it-looks-like-you-will-leave-your-wealth-to-be-with-me-herding-some-cows-back-in-Rembau kinda movies for you! Or, you can opt to become a model while aiming high - i.e. becoming a space-tourist! Either way you will do just fine!


At January 29, 2009 2:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you. I simply could not find a clue of Adi Putra as the cleverest child even in Malaysia. I was almost choked to death with the foolish responses of the so called 'professor'.

At January 29, 2009 7:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Adi, do you happen to have pills for my right and left testicles? Opss...do i have any? I don't think so... Come on, stop embarassing yourself n for God sakes, Malaysians!! A child like you should be out playing "kawin-kawin" instead of telling people that you know how to speak different Varieties of English (aloo professori, r u brain dead or wat??)

At January 29, 2009 8:33 AM, Blogger LUKE said...

Bila adi putra keluar on air... aku dah tau he is just another Siti Musliha! ops

Pass ni Adi, jangan lupa buat program motivasi and earn a Dr. title tru internet.


At January 29, 2009 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Adi the best Malaysia can export? Leave the poor child alone instead of marketing him.
I think the child looked extremely confused and uncomfortable(who wouldn't be in that chair)having to go along with this idea of being a genius. Given a choice, he would have gladly opted to go out and play instead of having to please the promoters and the "professor".
Give the child his dignity and childhood back, it may still not be too late.
Adi is no genius and it is obvious. Let us just hope that the boy is not chastised by the "professor" because he is not responding to the Channel 4 reporter's questions the way a child genius would have done.

At January 29, 2009 11:15 AM, Blogger Fina Roslan said...

salam Zul..
haha..sorry..i got ur blog when i type Adiputra and UTM(i don't know since when university's staff become an agent??)
i watched this show accidentally at BBCOne.and yeah Adora is amazing kid!! and i do feel pity to the Sporean kid(i forgot his name.i do agree with the host; it seems like his father should enter the contest instead of him:P
and i can't "tahan" when i see how the prof. kept talking about nonsense things!!(the 6th sense thing??and the answer from Adiputra made me laugh n "nganga")omg..and to know it came from the prof..it just embarassed the institution itself:)and also u got the idea to produce the pill n suddenly a genius like him can't remember the ingredient???
*sorry..i talk alot~~~*

At January 29, 2009 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terima kasih semua.

You know what? I went to the cinema to watch Milk, and then I had to rush the tapas with a friend at the tapas bar since I did not want to miss Adi on teley. It was indeed an extreme let down!

I do not think Adi is at fault here. Perhaps he may well do well at Maths, even a few years ahead of his age! So what's the big fuss? Nothing is really easy in this world Adi, that is the news I want to share with you.

My problems with Adi are, if I can be honest; 1) He is too rehearsed, very scripted and unnatural (cheak out his video on Youtube, giving speech on Bahasa Melayu), 2) the people that surround him that to a lot of degree like manipulating him for personal gains, 3) the clothes! Uh please, even Norma Norell can do a better job at this than putting a blanket over this poor kid, and it happens that blanket looks like a jacket.


At January 29, 2009 11:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fina Roslan, thanks. To be honest with you, when the program talks a lot about Adora, I am a bit ticked off. Well, I am thinking - What happens to my own local Adi Purta. I want to see muka anak Malaysia.

But the moment the Prof comes to the screen, I am simply frozen - nailed to the couch, with veins full of cold embarrassed blood! Honestly. It is an embarrassment, and in some tribal communities in South America, perhaps that Prof should be stoned!

About Ainan, it is, I think, so much of the pursuit of the father. The father was once a child genius and I see in the background, his picture receiving degree from Cambridge etc. And, if we look carefully from the expression on Syaidah's (the mother) face, they seem to have conflict when it comes to balancing Ainan's life where Syaidah explicitly mentions; besides intelligence, there are other aspects to child growth, being i) Emotional aspect, ii) Physical, iii) Character building.

I do not know what's the world coming to. What happens to the time when we had time to play pondok-pondok etc. We have come a long way to be able to torture ourselves!

At January 29, 2009 10:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ayyee adi allow dem brain pill jus smoke a spliff instead coz dat wil get u buzzin 4 a few hours instead of speaking fuckin 8 diff languages eniit boii.....saffee =]

At February 04, 2009 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Adi. Poor Malaysians. The Prof must have given one of his sense to Adi. I was lucky not to yell out to my international roomates "Hey they are showing a Malaysian genius kid in TV" and kill myself right after. If I were Pak Lah, I would simply sack the prof out.

Malaysian student in UK

At February 11, 2009 1:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Norma Norell The Pioneer in Imej Consulting & Imej Building of Malaysians..That we can't deny!My colleagues & i have undergone her coaching & tutorial sent by our organisation.She is the kind of person "Practising what she preaches". She's a real expert in her field.No wonder most people remember her above all others..Malaysian government should honour her with "Datukship". She has done so many great things modestly & silently without being ostentious like most people.She's stylishly elegant,wise, well exposed in life, sincerely caring & loving person, warm hearted and very observant with people and her surrounding.I agree with the comment about Adi's image.Why Norma Norell was not being consulted to enhance Adi's image? She would polish Adi into million dollar worth personality. Well, that's how most Malaysians are. They would prefer wasting money on mistakes, to hiring 'professional consultant'. It's just like when they have cancer they would go to 'bomoh' rather than to consult a professional oncologist! Poor Adi!

At February 16, 2009 6:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adi Should be Coached by Norma Norell...
Poor Adi, surrounded by qualified people but not qualified to be his image adviser/coach.Norma Norell is synonymous to the word image management...why can't his advisers just contact Norma Norell & let her coach Adi?

At March 09, 2009 2:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Norma Norell should be the coach for Adi. Remember how she coached Ramlah Ram from artiste desa ke top artiste of 1988? Another classic example is how she coached late legendary singer Sudirman Hj Arshad before he left for Asian Best Performer in 1989? Late Sudir became the winner sparkling star! Poor Adi, why did they forget Norma Norell?

At October 28, 2009 3:51 AM, Blogger zuL said...

Thanks to K who has just told me that she used this article for her writing class. She made her students read this entry to learn a trick or 2 around the art of writing.


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At April 26, 2010 7:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watched that show too! :) But I only saw the part with Ainan, and I thought he was so cute! :D

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