Monday, July 06, 2009

You've Got Mail

+ The letter. I used to get a lot of these letters from my father when I was in the UK, during my A Levels/Uni days. I still keep them till today.

I was so surprised to learn that the was a letter from my father in the pigeonhole today. I can't remember when's the last time I got a letter like this from him. Every time I get a letter from my father, it always makes my day. I love reading letters. We do not get this privilege anymore now that we are so accustomed to technologies - SMS, emails, mobile calls etc.

I was supposed to attend a meeting where I'd suppose to brief about my project plan. I turned up early to read the letter first and then the meeting. Aongus came into the room while I was reading the letter. Upon seeing me reading the letter, he said "Do you need a few more minutes?" I said "Yeah please, I will just read this letter from my dad". So I started the morning reading that letter from him. So the day started real good. That was just perfect, since I always start my Monday in agony!

There was just usual update from my father. Nothing much really. A lot of the lines were reflecting the special one-week we got to spend time together recently. He kept on referring to the time (how much he enjoyed himself), and wish that we'd be able to do it all over again. Insh'Allah.

Anyway, that is that really. Now I am back home - trying to sort some stuff out and reflect on the day and plan for tomorrow.


  1. untung kamu masih punya ayah..

    Aku paling suka kalau dapat surat. Teruja dengan kandungannya... jaman sekolah2 dulu rajin la tulis surat... skang ni, tulis poskad jer.. :P

  2. Poskad pun best kan. Aku yg tak reti2 hantar poskad... Thanks for the postcard from Syria... ;)


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