Friday, July 17, 2009

The Act of Lying

The Kite Runner

"Half truth is a whole lie"
"But better to get hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie..."

Hossein went on to say to Ghaffor, "If there is significant bad luck that shall happen to you, blame no one but you. You invite the worst of lucks by lying. You will never be a whole person, if you keep lying, no matter how small it is. You are close to denying God's existence and hence, God's wrath is manifested in the bad luck that shall be cast upon you!"

Ghaffor stood still. His could not even bare the sight of his best friend Hossein.

Thanks Luke!


  1. You are welcome**sambil garu2 kepala :P

  2. Ekau garu kepalo, ado kutu ko apo? !! Haha. Main tennis ko tidak ekau hari ni? Pinggang tu di jago, agar nak nari dangdut ujong minggu ni!


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