Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Monday, July 31, 2006

BBQ with fellow Malaysian Malays

The BBQ - Sunday 30/07

There are not that many Malaysian Malays studying here, at this university. Most of them are postgraduate students with families etc. As it is, as the work exerts greater pressure especially during term or outside term, we hardly meet each other. So, now the Summer is here and Khairul organised a BBQ at Darwin College (The Island).

It was a great affair to be together. I am not that close to these people since I do not have a wife or family to be a part of the society. LOL. On top of that, they meet more often than I do. Since most of them are doing Engineering anyway, so they tend to bump into each other at school or so. So put it this way, it was such a drag to go to the BBQ, but it turned out OK, not as bad as I thought it would be (although there was awkwardness). OK enough about that, there is nothing much to blabber about this. How fun can BBQ be anyway? Well, it can be when the crowd and mood are right. Well, the meat was great!

Leaving Downing College

Oh did I tell you that 31/07 was my last day at this College; Downing College. Well, I would move out effective from 01/08. I would be 'given' a room somewhere else. Not that far from the previous room and it is equally nice. There's so much memories living in this College. But, towards the end of my stay, the college had been very nice to me. The latest was the fact that I got the £64 to cover for my bill on the lock. I am due to get the £300* deposit when I leave the college today (thanks to the housekeeper for saying that I am leaving the room in order).

All I was complaining about the college was the fact that I did not get enough support from them. They tend to give greater attention to the undergrads compared to the postgrads. So my advice, if you plan to come to Cambridge, and you are postgrad, try to get yourself accepted in graduate college. One, it is easier to get in compared to old college like mine, two, they take care of you better.

Finally, allow me to bid farewell to the Downing College, for all it's worth, it has offered me the best of 10 months of experience. Till we meet again!

* Uh no, they deducted some due to the overstay by one night and also the internet connection. I do not know what to feel, at this time when I need money, they had the chick to do this to me. They said earlier that I could stay on one more night in my room, however, they never mentioned about associated cost - there is no such thing like free lunch, huh! Well, BYE BYE Downing!


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