Can we think of other issues?
This is what I came across (among other things hehe!) when I was browsing 'You Tube' today. I was so appalled to realise the development of this issue on Mawi vs Ina thingy. Well, enough is enough. To me, this is just the stupidest way of handling the media (thank god for the module taught in the class - handling the media). Ina, you'd better shut up and let it be, the more you speak and use the media, the more stupid you portray yourself to be (well, how smart is she to begin with anyway? Who am I to judge.). Initially, you could well use the media to side with you by... err err by shutting up! Look at you, you are media-whore now and obviously the pity cap is worn by Mawi now. To the uninitiated, I will not give you a talk on "Dummies - Guide to Mawi-Ina Fiasco"!
I have this growing concern over the Malays in Malaysia. I am wondering whether this is it - our level of intellectuality is limited to discussions on Mawi, Ina, Siti, Datuk K and Akademi Fantasia. Well, it disgusts me (read: I want to know more than this, way more). I am not talking about burying our face in books by Salman Rushdie or reading the theory of blackhole by Hawking (Hawking, you know there is God almighty, admit it, damn it! Oooops, Sorry). But enough to admit that we need to find something more intelligent than these craps! Enough said. And I am sure there are smart asses in the industry who are using these situations to benefit them. Who these people are, OK to be honest, the people who would want to see the Malays would continue to pass the stupidity torch for generations to come. So wake up. (Mind you, I am not talking aboue Jews on the other side of the fence, go figure).
I was further surprised the other day when Noh Omar (one of the ministers) said that the students these days lack of general knowledge and not read as much as they are supposed to. And, he said that students (school leavers) do not even bother to know the ministrial line-up of present government. OK now, I must seriously oppose to the statement about the general-knowledge among students. Goodness, what has the government of Malaysia done to really bring the best of books into the national library, what have they done to encourage translations, what have they done to keep the prices of books cheap so we have access to good literatures, how many librarians are 'readers' themselves and how many town (or council) libraries there are in Malaysia (if there are a few, the state is so not inviting, mind you). So, now you have the guts to blame these kids of not knowing general knowledge. Do something. Rather than splashing millions on Kempen Membaca in July every year, they might as well order good books for all the libraries. After all, month of July is also Bulan Melawat Kamdar!. Don't laugh, you might well be surprised what Kamdar has in store for you! *hik*
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