Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Back to Kain Batik Politics

When I got up this morning, I checked out one of the daily online newspapers before my coffee and my cereal. It ticked me off. You can tell which one that is by looking at the picture above. Well, I was thinking to myself - have we advanced so far as claimed when we can be this low to gain press mileage to gain support?

This picture reminds me the norm when Malaysia is nearing an election - the "kain batik politics" to fool orang kampong and at the same time to fish votes. That was so 1979 (like Bruno once said "Borat is so 2006!"). And now, fast-forward 30 years later, we have not really moved on.

+ Kain batik

What a shame! I think, time is better off spent if they channel their effort to "wake the lazy Malays", or helping "the backwards Malays", or reform the "bohsias and mat rempits who are largely Malays"...


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