Many congratulations to Faris for passing his PhD viva/interview in Newcastle today. Hence, soon enough he has the title Dr., after the small corrections that he needs to do to conclude his PhD (I know, according to Faris it is not about the title...). As a friend who is close to him, I have seen it all - the hard work that he has put into his research and to be able to come this far to seal it all off (Well I did learn a lot from him. I remember struggling with starting my lit review and I did seek his help a lot as well. He is a hardcore researcher I guess). Well done to him. Thanks for giving me a small part to play in the whole process - pretty much support etc.
+ Aku pilih lagu ni sebab ada elemen2 sedih, w/pun tahun ni memang akan beraya di Malaysia
Berita seterusnya... alamak, hari ni aku juga dok meroyan sorang-sorang mainkan lagu raya. Tak tau kenapa. Haha. Aku tak sabar nak balik ke Malaysia untuk beraya kot. Memang tak sabar. I can imagine the manics during raya and being a part of it. I just can't wait. I am going to turn a new leaf this Ramadhan and, subsequently the whole plan after raya. So stay tuned (as if ada orang ikuti perkembangan aku kan. Ha ha. Kecuali ekau Luke, yang dok melangut kat blog aku nih tunggu update. Opssss, mati lah aku lepas nih...).
+ Mintak maaf cakap, tempo dan pitching lari, bukan aje ke laut... masuk ke laut, lepas tu diving ke dasar naik balik, ride the waves... hah cam tu hah... mati la kalau aku jadi judge pertandingan nyanyi2
Sebelum aku masuk tidor, ini ada video dedikasi yang aku nak dedikasikan kepada Luke di Brussels (don't get me wrong OK). Aku tau, ekau dah lama merindui penyanyi di atas. So tadi aku terjumpa video dia. So enjoy. Sebelum tu, jangan tanya kat aku mana nak beli topi tu. Sebab hari tu ekau nak beli topi sebab Brussels panas kan? :) (Note: Aku teringat masa kita kat rumah Aidah, masa Aidah pi kerja... aku nak masak lemak cili api kan... lepas tu ekau masuk dapur... terus tarik key 89 darjah... AwaN berarakkkkk... pengsan ayam tengah menggelegak dalam periuk aku tu kan... Yang aku pelik tu kan, asik la line AwaN berarakkkkkk... tu je yang ekau ingat kan??? Sah sah AwaN tu tak berarak... haha)
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ReplyDeletebaru aku perasan kelima2 komen telah di delete.. apa kes yawls?