Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Friday, May 22, 2009

The weekend's here

Yes, the weekend is here. I do not know what I will be up to. But I will surely go to Brown Thomas to pick up the PS shirt that I have ordered. Huh, ordered? Well, I saw a very nice shirt (as a present) and I ran out of cash. Since that was the only one left, I left behind Euro50 - so that they will not sell it to anyone else!

Yesterday, alhamdulillah, I got some kind of reward and recognition thingy from the office. So I plan to go to BT again and pay in full and own the shirt. That is going to be the plan for the weekend. Haha. Other than that, if the weather permits I will be off to Pheonix Park with Lockz for some kind of picnic. She and I - will buy sandwiches and bring our books and read in the sun.

Will also be looking for a pair of these...

So, I pray for lotsa sunshine this weekend ;)

Note: I have made a huge mockery of myself today. Picked up the phone and sent a text to Carlos for today is his birthday (according to the reminder by Birthday Alarms.Com)! And then he replied "You are 2 days early. Thanks for making me feel lousy that I am much older that what I thought!" Haha!


At May 23, 2009 7:39 PM, Blogger LUKE said...

nice shirt...

perghhh.. harga online kat paul smith begitu tebals sekali nilainya... :)

At May 24, 2009 10:35 AM, Blogger zuL said...

BTW Luke, "I am not looking for the cheapest!" mati la ekau pitam.

Kepada sesiapa baca komen ni, ini pvt joke kami kat Lagos dulu. So jangan beranggapan bukan bukan OK. Wpun begitu Paul Smith, tetap menjadi idaman ku dan tetap akan ku miliki, bukan untuk aku pun! Kakaka!!! Hadiah befday katonyo!!!

BTW, Luke sesungguhnya, Hotel Victoria Palace menyaksikan kita memunggah roti canai yang sedap itu. Sweet memories. Tak lupa juga senaman swimming huru hara sampai Kak Long terbangun dari tidur, dan tak lupa juga makan pisang goreng cicah kicap sampai datang puting beliung kat Waterfront!!! Sweet aint it?

Miss you guys - U, Aida and Mas! Luke ingat lagi Chap-man? Hehehe. Sodap kan minum Chap-man tengahari buto tu? :)

At May 27, 2009 10:20 PM, Blogger LUKE said...

hadiah befday daku kah?... jgn tersalah Size ye.. make sure size L+ :))))



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