Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Selamat Ulang Tahun Sayang - Imran Ajmain

Selamat Ulang Tahun Sayang - Imran Ajmain

Yang tulus ikhlas
Ingin sekali sekala dirinya dibalas
Walau hanya dengan dakapan di angin lalu

Yang selalu memberi
Ingin sekali sekala jadi penerima
Cukup dengan salam dan manis doa

Aku ingin kau merasakan hebatnya cinta
Dan leburkan saja serpihan calar derita

Selamat ulang tahun sayang
Kini kau bersayap, pergilah terbang
Rentaslah langit cita cita mu
Harap nanti kita 'kan bertemu

Selamat ulang tahun sayang
Janganlah engkau tak terbang pulang
Ku nanti penuh kerinduan
Selamat tinggal, selamat jalan

Aku hanya inginkan engkau setia
Kerana setia yang mencipta bahagiamu

This is kind of rare entry. I came across this song an hour ago on You Tube, what apparently is a song by Imran Ajmain (Seribu Tahun). I have been listening to it for more than 20 times now. I like this song. I do not think it is really strong song but for whatever reason, there are some bits in that song that touch me. The reason why I think it is not strong is in the lyrics (lyrics by Ahmad Fedtri Yahya, the one who did Dusta Berkalang, a favourite song of Luke). Some words are struggling to match the melody, to make it more in synch with the song. Overall, it is still a good one by Imran Ajmain.

I fell in love with Seribu Tahun last year (and still think that is one of good work by Imran), about this time in Jan 2008. And now, this song hits me. Anyway, may be that is just one of the moments when I feel I am all alone. So it is time to be surrounded by friends again, I guess.

Sometimes, I feel I need that jab of loneliness to really come to terms how depressing it can be, how vulnerable we can be. More often than not, I am too absorbed in the fast lane - being busy at work, or having fun with friends. So, certainly I feel from time to time, I like it when the loneliness hits.


  1. muakakak nama eden naik carta katonyo!... dusta belakang. eh. dusta berkalang katonyo...

    imran ajmain ni konsep ala2 suara keluar kot idong ke?... ada part tu cam suara real, ada part cam suara jadi2an.

    apa2 pon. lagu ni not bad.

  2. Luke, ekau tunggu version aku... hahahaha... matila ekau tutop telingo!!! Aku nak jadi macam Alejandro Manzano, tak nak dah kojo2 ni... nak jadi Alejandro Manzano!!!

  3. am feeling sad cos one fantastic video on youtube is now gone and blocked. :-(


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