Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Trip to airport and Maynooth

Today - I sent Mel to the airport. Like others in Malaysia, as the Raya is fast approaching all of us is trying to make it back to kampong halaman to celebrate Raya with family and friends. Today is Mel's turn. I checked my schedule when I got up and the emails of course - so I was kind of free to shoot off to airport for a bit to send her off.

That was done in 30 mins. I drove super fast I guess. I hope there are no summons or something. Well, I could not care less. On the way back I stopped by at Maynooth University to meet up with Tony. I let him know what I would pass Leixlip and Maynooth on the way back to Dun Laoghaire. The idea of meeting up was great :)

+ The Maynooth town park

Maynooth town is small, but adorable. It is adequate. It has everything. The university campus itself is very nice. Tony took me for a tour around the campus, it was indeed an eye-opening 20-minute tour. The buildings are old and nice. He took me to the chapel where I was amazed with the paintings of the cardinals on the ceiling. That was simply awesome. (Just a note: Apparently, St Patrick College of Maynooth Univ is a centre of Christianity and Bible Studies where the institure produces a number of priests over the years)

+ Maynooth University Chapel. Check out the paintings of past cardinals on the ceilings

It indeed transported me back to the amazing experience in Kings College Chapel in Cambridge. As a matter of fact, Tony told me, the chapel is famous for its Christmas carol. I wish I were here this coming Christmas to attend the carol. Another facinating thing about this campus is, there is a big orchard full of apple trees. They are rather shady and I could see some young green apples - I could imagine when they are all ripe and ready to be plucked. Just imagine, the students end up on the benches between classes under the apple trees.

Wait a sec, wasn't that Newton who sat under the apple tree, hence the discovery of Newton's Law? I bet Maynooth took the whole idea with full exeggaration of apple treess in a form of an orchard to increase the odds of one of her students would be able to come up with some great theories/laws ;)

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