Friday, September 05, 2008

Ramadhan Al-Kareem

It has been ages since the last update I composed for this blog. I have not been hibernating, neither have I been gallivanting. Anyway, this is going to be a short entry. For a quick reminder, I still have entries that I owe myself and my loyal readers (hehe). The entries I owe:

1) Trip to London for Malaysia Fest
2) Trip to Glendalough with Luke/Zul
3) Trip to Donegal with mates
4) Breakfast/picnic in Glendalough (again) & shopping in Kildare
5) Picnic at Malahide Castle, before the 1st day of Ramadhan

Ouch! That is a lot.

Well, now we have stepped into Ramadhan. Of course, things are moving so fast and all of a sudden it is another cycle of time, and Ramadhan arrives again - as promised. It has been so meaningful and it has been manic as well. Thankfully, there is Faris who cooks every single day without fail. Ramz, from next door teamed up to cook stuff. Some of the stuff we have feasted ourselves on were; karipap, bubur kacang hijau, mee bandung, kuih ketayap (or gulung), pengat labu, rendang ayam, masak lemak cili api daging, ikan masin... and many more. Tomorrow (Fri 5th Sept), I have invited Anuar from office to come over and join us - a sneak preview of what's on the menu; nasi tomato, rojak buah, karipap sardin (again! very nice indeed), cucur pisang etc.

+ Mee bandung prepared by Faris

I have asked my sister for recipe of seri muka (it looks complicated) but I have indeed checked some steamers from Argos to realise this mission. I am not really certain whether it will come to fruition, but let's see. I am craving for seri muka and I am not surprised if I just go out to buy the steamer for this. And days to come, perhaps I will prepare buah melaka too, since I still have the gula melaka wrapped somewhere.

+ Kuih Ketayap by Ramz

It is also nice to learn that some of the local mates over here are all excited about me observing Ramadhan and started asking questions. Mike, from office has booked 13th Sept (Sat) to host me for iftar. I will drive to his place in Leixlip and I will prepare some kuih ketayap for the family and his 2 cute kids. We have been wanting to have this get-together with his family for ages now.

+ Karipap sardin by Faris

Mark has booked my time next week for a dinner as well. He will prepare some Mexican food. I am so excited about all this, but as it is, I am very tired due to hectic days at the office and I tend to avoid weekdays to go out after work. But, it looks like I'll be busy a lil' bit to attend all these Iftars. I like it busy, before I know it, it is already my trip to the airport to fly home - that will be on 26th Sept 2008- I can't wait. And time flies too fast - it's magic.


  1. Zul,

    Napa karipap and kueh ketayap tu nampak lain macam je...tapi boleh le dari takde

  2. Alamak, boleh la tu. Aku makan aje. Tapi sedap :) Aku ni sibuk kerja dan balik terus makan, tak ke best tu... tapi mulai minggu depan, kawan aku yg terer masak tu dah balik :( So aku akan makan nasi semalam etc. :)


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