My 100th entry - Spain's the Euro2008 Champion

Congratulations Spain!
"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde
4:00 am, 29th June 2008
Sports, besides singing (yes I do sing!), is one of my utmost hobbies. Hence, my rantings about tennis and footie as of late. My love for Sports stemmed from my days at The Leys School, for everyone was allowed to take sports of your interest. And the annual allowance by my sponsor of about £350 a year did tremendously help too!
Aku tengah tengok Russia lawan Spain ni, dalam Euro2008 masa aku tulis entry ni - semis. Aku support Spain, tapi aku ni sapa yang main lemau tu tetap kena dengan aku. Kalau ada sesapa score sah-sah satu building ni akan dengar aku jerit. Macam semalam, konfidensi aje aku kata aku sokong Germany, sbb Turkey selalu berkampung kat German goal area, aku memang la suka. Aku lelebih pulak sokong Turkey sampai my friend tanya "Have you made up your mind?" Haha. Akhirnya Turkey berputih mata.
Aku tak tahu mengapa aku tiba-tiba teringat kepada arwah Onyang - moyang aku. Aku tak tau aku rindu kepada Onyang. Tiba-tiba segala kenangan aku dengan Onyang datang kepada aku. Kebelakangan ini, kepala aku berkecamuk dengan macam-macam perkara, terutama pasal kerja, pasal projek, pasal hidup, pasal masa depan dan lain-lain.
Entah apa tajuk aku nak buat pun aku tak tau. Tapi kena tulih BM la kot sebab mungkin dalam entry ni ada menyentuh pasal kerja. Ye lah, some of my kawan kerja dah mula masuk blog ni. Aku la yang gatal bagi alamat blog ni kepada beliau, sekarang aku pulak yang kena hati-hati dalam berblogan ini kan.
I was off to West Cork with a friend over the long bank holiday weekend (31 May – 02 June). I should have shared this experience much earlier, but due to quite a few circumstances, the entry has been stored away for a bit.
Amidst the story about my father was hospitalised 2 weeks ago, there's this cousin of mine who had been hospitalised for a long time now. Her name is Ani, or Kak Ani. She is this vibrant woman in her late 30s. I would not call her as a cousin that I am close to, but I could admit that we grew up together in Kampong Talang where we used to go to the parit to catch some tadpoles, we used to go to the same school, and we went to the same atok to mengaji Quran. Yes, our paths have taken us afar not to be that close now. I was not close to my cousins right after we moved to Tanjung Ipoh, the adjacent town.