Kampong Talang - where it all begins...

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My First Karipap

It was so tiring at work today. I took off at 6.00PM and headed to Dunnes Store. All of a sudden I had this instant out-of-the-blue idea to make my FIRST karipaps. I have never made them before. I remember that I have some plain flour at home, butter etc.

As soon as I am back at my place, I put down my laptop bag, I took out all the ingredients and browsed for the recipe on the net. And my maiden attempt to make karipaps began with much enthusiasm. The outcome - they are not perfect but still, it is STILL something. Prior to that, I invited Lockz and Ramz to sample them while watching the top 20 acts of Britain's Got Talent ;)

Check out the pictures!

+ What an attempt - the dough, the filling, the effort...

+ I guess they looked nicer when they are raw, it is completely different story when they are fried, hehe

+ 17 karipap's altogether

+ Take your pick. Haha. The skin is crispy really. The secret - the warm butter/oil. "Zits" come out if the oil is too hot apparently - based on the tips on the Net

+ Please take notice of the model's hands/fingers

That is all for today! :)


At May 29, 2009 10:10 AM, Blogger LUKE said...

bestnya karipap tembam ekau tuuuu..

aku sampai ke sudah tak bikin2 karipap. tepong berkelo2 dah tiba dari mesia. tapi karipap masih belom menjadi nya...

ko nantikan kamu datang untuk bikin karipap ya!!!

At May 29, 2009 10:11 AM, Blogger LUKE said...

**ku nantikan kamu datang utk bikin karipap ya!!!

Thanks kak may. ops.

At June 09, 2009 3:23 PM, Blogger dzan said...

yo pakcik, alamak itu bukan karipap lah bro. itu EPOK-EPOK. apprently most malaysian (malay lagi) never knew the MALAY name for the kuih.. he he.

Karipap (originally CURRY-PUFF) is the one either the BIG TRIANGLE or the one that being sold in the bakery.

so when my malaysian friend call KARIPAP i tend to tell them..ini EPOK-EPOK ah. So there are epok2 kentang (the one u called karipap), epok2 sardin and epok2 sayur.

tak kan nak panggil karipap sardin kot..sbb..KARIPAP is CURRYPUFF..it contains curry. Kalau karipap sardin....means? inti CURRY or SARDIN?...grr!!!

y bother with the names..cos most malaysian friends of mine said..aku ni tak bangga dgn budaya dan bahasa melayu..

ha kau..kan dah mengamuk aku.!!!

At June 12, 2009 9:47 AM, Blogger amn said...

Entry karipap buat aku terpanggil mengomen...

Adakah bila kita berada di luar Malaysia baru pandai nak buat karipap..

Aku pun sama katanya...

Malam ini juga aku akan mempertajamkan kembali skill membuat karipap!!

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